C 324-325

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The two of them were shocked upon hearing the news.

Jiang Yao put down her food and focused on the radio, listening intently to the news report. She asked afterwards, "What did they mean by an unknown force? Why did they hijack the plane?"

"There are many places in the world that are not as peaceful as our country. In some places, groups and organizations seize control of the land using military force to advance their interests." Lu Xingzhi explained it in simple terms. There was something that was still not making sense to him. Why did they hijack a plane out of nowhere? There must be a reason to it.

The plane was flying above the air space of a conflict zone before being surrounded by helicopters and was forced to land.

It was a commercial flight from a different country. Even though Jiang Yao was shocked, she felt that it did not affect her in any way whatsoever.

Both Lu Xingzhi and Jiang Yao paid no extra attention to the news before a different news story was reported.

After wiping down the shoe cabinet, Lu Xingzhi looked at Jiang Yao to see that she was looking back at him. He urged her to finish her food before it got cold.

After her meal, Jiang Yao started arranging the things she had bought with Lu Xingzhi.

"I spent most of my time today shopping for furniture and other big things, the smaller ones I am leaving till tomorrow."

While cleaning the fresh produce she bought at the wet market, she suddenly remembered something else and said, "I bought a chicken and a fish today. I am going to make it into a soup later in the afternoon. Take some and give it to Sergeant Ge later when you go over at night. I think he needs some of these to help his recovery."

This should be something for Mrs. Ge to worry about. However, since she left abruptly after the argument, abandoning her husband and her six-year old daughter, there was no one else available to look after Sergeant Ge. Jiang Yao acknowledged the relationship between Lu Xingzhi and Sergeant Ge, that was why she put in a little more effort in making sure that Sergeant Ge was well.

"Thank you, dear." Lu Xingzhi stood up and walked toward Jiang Yao. He lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead.

He was nervous with Sergeant Ge injured. They were comrades, with Sergeant Ge being his subordinate. He understood how important the mission was for Sergeant Ge.

Lu Xingzhi planned to ask the cafeteria to boil some medicinal soup for Sergeant Ge this afternoon. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yao had already thought of that and prepared the ingredients.

Back then, Zhou Weiqi and Chen Xuyao always told him that marrying Jiang Yao was not a wise decision. She would be the one interfering in his career and impeding his future. Yet, this was not the case now. His wife was caring and considerate, an excellent military wife and his soulmate.

Seeing how Mrs. Ge and Ge Wenwen had treated her, Jiang Yao would not have done it if not for Lu Xingzhi, even though it had nothing to do with Sergeant Ge.

"What is there to thank me for? I cannot bear to see you looking worried, that's why I am doing it. I am saying this upfront though, I do not know how to make it, so you are going to cook it first and teach me at the same time." Jiang Yao was embarrassed.

Lu Xingzhi did not have much time for his afternoon break. He spent the rest of his time cleaning the house and arranging the new furniture with Jiang Yao.

Their house looked different after they were done with the cleaning.

"Let's put all the old and worn-out furniture here in the living room. I will get some people to help move them out." Lu Xingzhi wiped the sweat off his forehead. The living room was very cramped, filled with all the temporary extra junk.

Compared to his own house, this house in the platoon was very small. Luckily, Jiang Yao had no issues with it.

After a few words with her, Lu Xingzhi got changed and left. A while later, some soldiers came and took all the unwanted furniture away.

Just as she was entering the house, the door opposite creaked open. A man with a crutch came walking out.

"Brother Ge," Jiang Yao greeted him.

Sergeant Ge had a tanned complexion. He looked a little over thirty years old, with a very normal appearance. At his age, with his current ranking, he probably had an extremely difficult time progressing.

"Are you Captain Lu's wife?" Sergeant Ge looked a little shocked, locking eyes with Jiang Yao. He then swiftly apologized, "I am sorry for what happened with my wife and my daughter. She is not the brightest and has a bad temper, I hope you can forgive her."

Jiang Yao ignored his last remark and asked, "Where are you going, Brother Ge? I thought that the doctor wanted you to be on bedrest?"

Jiang Yao used the Medical System and scanned Sergeant Ge. He was injured seriously, with gun wounds, bone fractures and some cuts. Usually, the doctor would require the patient to stay in the hospital for further care. This was done also to prevent infection of the wounds.

Sergeant Ge acknowledged Jiang Yao's concern, but he was out of his wits.

"Wenwen left early in the morning and has not been back since. It is past lunchtime now. I am going to look for her." Sergeant Ge sighed. "She was unhappy that I scolded her this morning."

"The platoon is really strict with security, I do not think a kid like her is going to get out, do not worry." Jiang Yao had no good feelings toward Ge Wenwen. A six-year-old like her would have been able to support her family out in the countryside, doing house chores and whatnot. Who would have expected a wild brat like Ge Wenwen?

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