C 212-213

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There were no doubts regarding Lu Xingzhi's ability to obtain whatever he wanted, and this was not even taking into account the influence his buddies had. Seeing as the Zhang family had the power to let just about anyone enroll in Nanjiang Medical University, why couldn't Lu Xingzhi and his gang do the same in Jindo City?


Even though Jiang Yao was reluctant to part with Lu Xingzhi, she could not leave Wen Xuehui just like that. She still had to protect her from a certain two-timer.

Jiang Yao's absence from school this weekend might have given that douchebag just the right opportunity to get closer to Wen Xuehui!

"We will see, alright? I will let you know when I decide to move to Jindo City," Jiang Yao said.

A tinge of regret flashed across Lu Xingzhi's face. Nevertheless, he had somehow expected that response and was not too disappointed.

"Jiang Yao, you do know that Jindo Medical University is better than Nanjiang Medical University! Think this through, and whenever you change your mind, you are always welcome here!" Chen Xuyao added. He could not stand being left out of their conversations.

"Brother Lu seems happier with you being here, Jiang Yao. You probably do not know this, but when you were away, your husband acted as though he was the Grim Reaper. We never see him smile or talk. That was scary! We need you here to save Zhou Weiqi and me from his madness!" Chen Xuyao continued, taking a dig at Lu Xingzhi.

Lu Xingzhi knew that Chen Xuyao's intention was to help him in persuading Jiang Yao to come to Jindo City, otherwise, with that ridicule he had received, he would have booted Chen Xuyao out of the car.

In just the blink of an eye, they arrived at the airport.

Seeing the various masses of people moving about in the airport, Jiang Yao felt a strong sense of reluctance to part with Lu Xingzhi.

"Alright, your darling husband is leaving." Lu Xingzhi patted Jiang Yao's head as if she were an adorable pet. "Your hair has grown longer, don't cut it. I like it that way."

Jiang Yao muttered under her breath, "Who's my darling husband?"

"Come on! Call me darling, just this once!" Lu Xingzhi insisted. "I've never heard you call me that even though we've been married for so long."

Jiang Yao had never had a pet name for him even after they had gotten married. She was used to calling him by his name, including his last name when she was angry.

Jiang Yao looked at Lu Xingzhi but her mouth stayed shut.

There was nothing wrong with calling each other by some cute names. Jiang Yao, however, was embarrassed to say it. She did have it set as Lu Xingzhi's contact name in her cell phone though, and that proved to be something she preferred.

"If I remember correctly, you had my name in your cell phone set as 'darling'." Lu Xingzhi had stumbled upon this little piece of information when he had picked up her phone that had fallen out of her pocket accidentally. Mistakenly accessing her messages, he had seen a screen full of the word 'darling', all from the texts he had sent to her.

In the dead of the night, he had held on to her phone and smiled like a fool.

"Zhou Weiqi gave me the phone with that name already saved." Jiang Yao explained. "Maybe it was either one of you that entered the name."

"But you did not change it, right?" Lu Xingzhi knew how easily embarrassed she was, so he did not insist for her to call out his pet name in public.

Lu Xingzhi gave Jiang Yao a quick hug. Unlike the previous time when he had lost control and held on to her like a clingy spouse, he knew that they would be meeting each other again in half a month, and seeing that there were so many people around, he let her go after a short embrace.

Jiang Yao took a cab back to school after sending Lu Xingzhi and Chen Xuyao off.

She bumped right into Wen Xuehui and Li Ronghui who had just gotten down from the public bus right outside of school, chatting and laughing together. Wen Xuehui looked content, holding onto a candied plum.

Jiang Yao's heart dropped upon seeing this scene unfold in front of her. She realized that this time, Li Ronghui had possibly changed his tactics in pursuing Wen Xuehui. Looking at Wen Xuehui grinning from ear to ear, she was undeniably in love.

Two days! Jiang Yao had only been away for two days and this had happened. How persistent could Li Ronghui be?!

"Xuehui!" Jiang Yao took a big stride toward the two lovebirds, forcing herself between them.

"Look who's here!" Wen Xuehui seemed to forget the existence of Li Ronghui at the sight of her best friend. She held onto Jiang Yao and smiled. "Looks like you had a great weekend."

Noone except for Wen Xuehui knew where Jiang Yao had gone after taking a leave of absence.

She had overheard from her father that Jiang Yao's husband was here in Nanjiang City too. She had been waiting for Jiang Yao to return so that she could tease her.

"I was not the only one here who had fun this weekend." Jiang Yao grinned, sparing a glance at Li Ronghui.

Understanding what she meant, Wen Xuehui's face turned beet red and she gave Jiang Yao's arm a light pinch. Turning to Li Ronghui, she said, "I am leaving with Jiang Yao, see you later!"

Not waiting for his response, Wen Xuehui dragged Jiang Yao along and disappeared out of Li Ronghui's sight. She would rather not be teased by Jiang Yao in front of Li Ronghui.

A short while later, they came to a stop. Heavily out of breath, Wen Xuehui turned back and looked at Jiang Yao. She was surprised to see Jiang Yao, who was running behind her with her heels on, looking quite fine. "Aren't you exhausted?"

"I'm alright." Jiang Yao nodded and then asked. "Are you a couple with Li Ronghui now?"

Her sixth sense told her that Wen Xuehui and Li Ronghui's relationship had just had a breakthrough.

"Not yet!" Wen Xuehui blushed. "He did confess his feelings to me just now. I did not know that he has actually had a crush on me for some time!"

"Well, how long ago was it?" Jiang Yao raised her eyebrows. "You like him, don't you? If he already confessed, why aren't you guys together now?"

"I am a lady, I have to act a little more reserved, of course. I told him I would think about it," Wen Xuehui answered. A brief pause later, she asked, "Was it that obvious that I am crushing on him? How did you know?"

Wen Xuehui seemed to have forgotten that she had told Jiang Yao of her affection toward Li Ronghui some time ago.

"It's as obvious as daylight." Jiang Yao rolled her eyes. "Every single time you went out with him, you came back beaming like a giggly little girl!"

Even if Jiang Yao had lost all her memories before she was rebirthed, just by paying a little attention to Wen Xuehui, anyone could have seen it as well.

Embarrassed, Wen Xuehui covered her face with her hands. She thought she had done a good job hiding her emotions, not realizing that Jiang Yao had seen right through her. "Seeing as you can see through me, do you think Li Ronghui knows as well?"

Jiang Yao sneered. "I don't think he's that bright."

Wen Xuehui knew better. Jiang Yao was obviously mocking her, fully displaying her disdain toward Li Ronghui. Clearly, Jiang Yao did not like Li Ronghui at all.

"Jiang Yao, why do you hate him?" Wen Xuehui racked her brains trying to figure it out. They had only met several times, thus, Jiang Yao's strong hostility toward Li Ronghui baffled her very much.

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