Scary Movies

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When we got back to mine we went straight to my bedroom and got the spare sheets out of the airing cupboard and laid bedroom out into a big fort.

We decided we was going to watch scary movies and picked a range out.

We then went downstairs to get some food.

We went into all the cupboards and found lots of crisps, sweets, dips and also popcorn

We put the popcorn into the microwave and waited

“Yay you’re back!” Courtney said coming out of nowhere making me jump “I missed you guys”

“But, we was gone for a few hours” I said and she looked at me

“It’s lonely in this house” She says going back to look at Chris

“Where are you grandparents?” Chris asked me

“Oh, they are on a work trip, they should be back tomorrow” Courtney interrupts and Chris just nods

The microwave goes off and I’m about to get the popcorn when Courtney gets it

“Oooo popcorn, what you doing?” Courtney asks

“We are having a movie night” I say getting a bowl and taking the popcorn off her

“Oh” She says before a silence “Can I join?”

I look at Chris and he gives me a wide eyed look and shakes his head slightly

“Well, it was just going to be a me and Chris day” I say giving her a sorry look

“You won’t notice I’m there, I’ve done all my jobs and I’m bored please!” She says giving puppy eyes and I look at Chris who sighs, rolls his eyes and nods his head

“Fine you c-“I say before getting interrupted by her hugging me

“Thank you! Now let me bring the food up and you two get comfy

Me and Chris smile at her before going into the room and we laid down getting underneath the covers

We put the movie on and Courtney comes up with all the food and places it down before sitting next to Chris

Even if this is mine and Chris day, I’m sure Courtney wouldn’t affect it much, but, I spoke too soon

5 minutes into the film we heard Courtney squeal and she wrapped herself round Chris, it wasn’t even scary, unless you find someone dropping a vase scary, yes it was jumpy but, that was overreacting

Chris just looked at me and his eyes were wide open and gave a disgusted face

We carried on watching the movie and we all ended up lying down underneath the covers, Chris had his arm round me so we was both comfortable and Courtney was still wrapped around Chris like a monkey with it’s mum.

It started getting scarier and even Chris was getting tense.

Something popped up out of nowhere making us all scream and I put my head onto Chris’s chest, I heard his heat beating faster and the palms of my hands started to sweat. After a few more seconds I looked up to Chris

“Is it over yet?” I asked and he nodded and I mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ and he smiled

“Its okay” He said and I looked at Courtney who was hiding in the crook of Chris’s neck, there was a sharp pain in my chest, I guess I was just being protective of Chris

It was near the end of the second film and my eyes lids started to get heavy.  I feel as though this night would have gotten better if Courtney wasn’t here with us, we would have actually been able to talk, but, nope.

Chris’s body was warm so it made me feel very tired

I closed my eyes and just thought about things when I felt the covers come over me more and someone move my hair out of my face, I’m guessing it was Chris

“Is she asleep?” I heard faint whisper knowing it was Courtney’s, there was a silence but, I felt Chris’s body move slightly so I’m guessing he nodded

“I just want to say I’m really sorry, I guess I was just not used to the freedom and I’m sorry for lying to you babe, I just wasn’t allowed to say where I was, I’m glad you’ve come now, it does get lonely in here and I’ve missed you so much” Courtney whispered, but, there was no reply, I’m just left confused once again

“Remember all the memories we have together, like our first date, it was perfect, we was on the beach and had a picnic, we had our music playing and we danced for hours, that’s when we had our first kiss, I still remember it all” She whispers again and I hear Chris sigh “I will make it up to your for leaving okay”

There was silence but, slight movement, Chris’s heart sped up and I was curious why

I opened my eyes slightly but, couldn’t really see much, so I opened my eyes more

That’s when I saw Chris and Courtney kissing

My heart sank, it was because, he’s my best friend and I don’t want anyone to steal him away from me, from now on, he isn’t going to come to my grandparents’ house to see me, he’s going to come because, he wants to see Courtney. I guess that means no more me and Chris time.

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