Tyler's House

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After we had our McDonalds, we decided to go back to Dan's house, I gave back Tyler's money and he wasn't very happy but, we hugged it off. We met Chris there, he went off because he needed to get some fresh air. I'm not planning to ask him.

We was all in the living room playing fifa. Me and Ty was on one team while Chris and Daniel was on the other.

"Paige! You need to pass the ball to our players not there's!" Tyler yelled

"I can't even see the ball we're so far away from the TV!" I look around the room "I'm sitting next to Bourne, he's got a better view"

I go and sit next to Chris and I think I see a quick smile.

A few seconds later

"GOAL!" I shout as every ones mouths drop

"Paige! How did you do that?" Daniel asks gobsmacked

"I do know how to play, I just couldn't see the TV over there" I smiled "You guys never let me play before... I couldn't show off my skills if I can't play"

"You may be good on your feet on fifa, but, not in real life" Tyler laughs and winks at me hinting back to this morning

"What?" Daniel asks

"Shut up" I yell

"When she got in the shower this morning she forgot to take her underwear and bra into the bathroom..."

"Tyler" I warned him

"I was asleep and she tried to sneak in and get them with a towel round her"

"Stop now, Tyler" I warned him again

"She went back to the bathroom and she tripped waking me up and the towel flew off her"

"TYLER!" I yell

"Did you see anything?" Chris asked

"Well...I woke up to see Paige naked on the floor...Yes I did"

"Oh my god" I shove my face into my hands to save me from the embarrassment

I could hear lots of laughter

"Paige, don't be worried, being naked is natural" I heard Daniel say before I lifted my head up

"That's what Tyler said" I said messing with my hair

"If you wasn't here, we would be either naked or half naked" Daniel said

"Thanks for the picture in my head" I laughed and shook it off

"I'm going to get a drink, anyone want one?" I ask before the boys nodded

I walked into the kitchen and looked through the fridge to see what drinks Dan had. I picked three bottles up but, I didn't know what to get Chris so I closed the fridge to go and ask him. I then went straight into someones chest and fell onto the floor. I look up to see Chris.

"I really need to stop doing that" I laugh and I hear Chris laugh. "I was just coming to see what drink you want"

He gives me a hand up and helps me pick up the bottles that were now on Dan's floor

"What's wrong?" I ask him

"Nothing" He said bluntly

"oh...okay" I said going over to the kettle and picking up a tea bag "Do you want this?"

"Yes, thank you Paige" He said helping me make his tea

"Guessing you like tea then?"

"Stupid question, I love it" Chris says smiling widely

"Remind me to throw you a tea party for your birthday" I laugh

"Tea party, with bouncy boob balls and milfs everywhere" He says

"oh Chris, I like this you" I say as he looks at me in confusion "I like it when you're very happy and we actually have a conversation"

He smiles and I smile back

"We should hang out one day" I say

"Isn't that what we are doing now?" He asks with a confused emotion on his face

"No, I meant just me and you" I say "I want to get to know you more and I'm sure you'd love to be able to speak to someone"

"yeah, I'd like that" He says with a smile bigger than I've ever seen


Me and Chris went to sit back down with the boys who had already started a game without us because we was 'taking to long'.

Chris accidentally brushed his hand against my leg and it sent shivers down my body.

"Sorry" he whispered in my ear, his breath was so warm and his voice was very soothing

"It's okay" I whispered back and we exchanged smiles

All of a sudden my phone started to vibrate.

I took the phone out of my pocket and looked to see Cameron had text me.

I opened the message and it read

Hey beautiful, was just wondering if you want to go out tomorrow night, I know a restaurant which do the best meals round Sunday tea time x

I replied to the text almost instantly

I would love to:)x

I really liked Cameron, he was such a nice boy. I may have started to get feeling for him in the last few days. He was attractive too!. I got another message.

Yay! I'll pick you up half 5 tomorrow, wear something nice:) Can't wait to see you gorgeous <3x

I could feel my cheeks burning up at the face he called me beautiful and gorgeous.

"Oooo Paige, who you texting?" Daniel asks

"Cameron" I just blush at the thought of him

"The famous Cameron Byrd ay" tyler teases, he's had to put up with me talking about him

"I don't talk about him that much" I said realizing that actually I did talk about him a lot

"Yes you do" Chris says in more an a annoyed tone

"What's he said?" Daniel asked

"Just asked me go out for a meal tomorrow night"I said blushing once again

I heard a few awwww's

I turned to look at Chris, but, he just rolled his eyes. I don't understand how he can go from being so happy and talkative with me to a quiet unhappy sad person.

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