Half and Half option

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It's been a few weeks since Cam met my grandparents and Chris and Courtney started dating again.

Me and Cam are perfectly fine, we haven't seen each other a lot, I've just been at school or at home where Chris and Courtney are. Courtney won't stop talking about him, I literally know everything that he says and does just because, she tells me. I can't even have him round as a friend and we are drifting slightly because, Courtney always takes him away or joins.

Chris doesn't speak a lot but, I know the reason for that, it's Courtney that does all the talking.

I was saying goodbye to my grandparents because, they are going out for a few weeks on another business trip, they still haven't said anything about what they do, I just know that they go abroad. They are very active as well, they are a lot older than me and they are more active than me, like they go running in the morning and they go to the gym a lot, they also eat very healthy.

Once they left me and Courtney smiled at each other and went straight to the kitchen, we had planned a little get together, we had invited Cam, Chris, Tyler and Dan. We was going to invite Alison but, Tyler said he wanted to have a break and hang out with his friends instead.

Me and Courtney decided to make lots of drinks and get netflix ready for movies on the TV in the living room. I was nervous because, we haven't all been together in one room and I need to introduce Cam to Tyler and Dan, they've heard about him they just haven't spoke to him or really heard of him because, he isn't a part of their group at school.

I decided to order 3 pizzas from dominoes just because, it is easier and I know what pizzas they all liked

Me and Courtney got ready together and put makeup on before we heard a knock on the door. We both smiled at each other before going to the door.

We opened it and it was Chris. Courtney jumped onto him and he hugged her back before kissing her on the forehead.

They both walked in hand in hand and I shut the door behind them

They sat down on the sofa and acted all lovey dovey

The door bell went again and I jumped up running to the door

It was Dan and Tyler. Tyler engulfed me in a hug

"Thank god you're both here, I was getting sick of the love birds in there" I said and they laughed

We all went into the living room and sat down on the sofa

"Where's your boyfriend?" Dan asked me

"He should be here any minute now" I say smiling, just as I said that someone knocked on the door and I opened it

I was then engulfed in a hug from Cameron

"Hello beautiful" He said and I smiled hugging him back

I held his hand and we went into the living room and everyone looked over

"ermm... guys this Cameron" I said smiling "Cameron, this is Tyler and Dan and you know those two"

He goes to shake Dans hands but, I grabbed him back knowing he will burn himself on Dan

"No!.... Dan has ... He doesn't like touching peoples hands, or people, he doesn't like germs" I said thinking quickly as he pulls away 

This night might not go to plan

Cam then shakes Tyler's hand instead

"Woah, you have a very strong grip" He says letting go of his hand

"Oh, yeah dude I lift a lot" Tyler says trying to sound tough and Cam just nodded before we sat down on the sofa

"Paige, I'm hungry for pizza" Dan says to me

"I've already ordered 3 pizzas, I did the half and half option cause I know you're all picky when it comes to toppings" I say and Dan and Tyler smile at me

"Cam, If you ain't gunna marry her I will" Dan says laughing and I laugh too

Cam looks a bit uncomfortable so I whisper in his ear "He is only joking, you've got me"

He smiles and kisses my forehead

I look over to Chris and Courtney and she is laying on his chest and they have their legs tangled up with each others, Chris's hand is by her side

"You two are cute" I say and they both look at me

"Thanks Paige, I think you and Cam are too, but, I really ship Danler over there" Courtney says and we all look over to Dan and Tyler who seem to be hugging each other "My OTP"

I quickly take a photo and put it on my twitter and tag them

They get out their phones and sweep

"PAIGE!" They both shout "That's a cute photo" we all laugh

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