Round 2

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I'm honestly so sorry I haven't updated, I've just got a laptop and set it up today, I've been so busy and had trouble with a relationship and I needed to sort my life out, thank you for sticking, I should be updating more frequently:) Feel free to message

Round 2 of the sleepover 

Everyone was having fun, we played a few board games and was telling each other stories.

"Damn, we are out of drinks, Paige could you come to the shop with me so I can buy more" Chris asks

"Yeah sure let me get my coat and shoes on" I said smiling and I walked out 

I heard Courtney speaking in the other room "I'll just get my shoes on" 

"No I just want to speak to Paige for a moment, I will be back soon okay" I hear Chris say and he comes into the hallway "You ready?" He asks holding his keys in his hands and I nod

We both get into the car and it's quiet at first

"How are you?" Chris asks pulling off the drive

"I'm good, how are you?" I ask looking towards him 

"I'm happy I'm with you now" He says smiling "Courtney was annoying me, shes too ... clingy" 

"Maybe it's because, she doesn't want to lose you" He looks at me and I look away "I mean you are quite special, anyone would be lucky to have you"

He opens his mouth to speak but, then closes it again, the car stops "Oh, the shop is closed"

"Oh, well there's more shops" I say looking out the window and Chris starts driving again 

After a few minutes of driving in silence we finally pull up to a shop, Chris gets out and so do I, he locks the car and waits for me to walk into the shop first

We walk round the shop looking for the drinks when I hear a voice I've heard before, it sounds like Cam but, it can't be, he's visiting family

I grab Chris and push him down 

"What are y-"

"Shhhh, I think Cam's here" I whisper

"What?" he says and stands up to see if it is him and he crouches down again and nods, I have a look myself and notice he's got earphones in so won't be able to hear

"Why has he lied?" Chris shrugs "Wait he's going to pay for .... condoms" 

Chris's eyes widen "What?" He stands up 

Cameron leaves the store and me and Chris go back to looking for drinks

"Why was he... buying those?" I ask

"Clearly he's planning something" Chris says not looking at me "Are you even ready?"

"I ... I don't know" I say questioning myself

Chris pulls out a few drinks and takes them to the counter paying for them "Remember you can always say no if you aren't ready, if he forces anything on you, you have to tell me and I will ki-"

"I won't let him do that don't worry" I interrupt

"You don't know what he's going to do" He raises his voice "You're only small, you don't have anything to protect you"

"He's my boyfriend he wouldn't hurt me" I shout back 

"Paige, you've only been in a relationship for a short time, you haven't been in many relationships, sometimes they seem perfect but, one thing can change everything, do you even know what love is? Love is when you do everything to protect them, you do anything to keep them from getting hurt, they never leave your mind, you get butterflies every time you think of them, if you don't love him, you aren't ready" He shouts

"Do you love Courtney?" I ask and he puts his head down "What makes it so different?"

"I loved Courtney, I've known Courtney for ages, you've known Cameron for a few weeks or months, you don't know him, I know Courtney" He shouts back and I look down, Chris sighs and lifts up my chin gently "I'm sorry Paige" He hugs me tight

I hug him back "I'm sorry" 

He smiles "You're my best friend, I'm always going to here for you, I never want to hurt you, I'm sorry, love you" 

"Love you too Chris" I say and he strokes my cheek

"Lets get back and enjoy ourselves" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2015 ⏰

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