Are we nearly there yet?

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This was originally for a different fanbase but, I changed it to Hollywood Ending because, I find it easier to write about the boys from Hollywood Ending, I hope you like it, I wrote it ages ago so it might be terrible:')




"Cheer up hunny, it's a nice little village and I'm sure you'll make lots of friends" My grandma says but I'm too focused on looking for lorries. I haven't been in a car since my mum and dad died in a car crash 6 weeks ago, I've been too scared. I miss my parents a lot, but i'm glad I have my grandparents, I used to visit them every weekend but suddenly stopped and I don't know why. I can't remember going down to my grandparents but I got told about it and seen lots of photos.

"Are we nearly there yet?" I ask while yawning , I was very tired and wanted to get into bed.

"Yes, only a few more minutes" She replies looking at me and smiling "You know, granddads very excited to see you again" 

"I'm excited to see him too, I'm just very tired"I say yawning again.

We finally pulled up to this huge house with brick walls all around the house with big electric gates. My grandma pressed a buzzer on a remote that was on the wall and we drove up the driveway. In some ways it looked like a prison, how could i not remember coming here?.

"You like the house?" My grandma asks when i realize i had my mouth wide open in shock. 

"this is... oh my... how can i not remember this?"I stutter

"We moved into this house after you stopped coming, it was a lot safer here"My grandma pulls the car into a shelter and gets out.

"what do you mean by sa..." I get interrupted before finishing my sentence

"PAIGE! My you have grown now, what happened to my little princess?"My granddad came out the house and straight towards me giving me a hug

"Granddad! I've missed you so much!" It was very true, i missed my granddad so much, the last time i seen him was 5 months ago on Christmas day. I'm just glad that i'm safe at my grandparents, but now I'm dreading school in a few days.

I don't belong here Hollywood Ending fanficWhere stories live. Discover now