Chapter Thirty Two - Sickness

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Lost in her own world of thoughts Naveesha's pen drew circles on the piece of paper in which was on her table. Her hand was propped up as a support to her head and she was leaning towards her table, staring far ahead at the ceiling. Her eyes had a far-off look and she really was emersed in a deep thought.

Even though it had been more than a year since Naveesha had started working in America, in the corporate company where her husband Hashith was the CEO, she really could not enjoy what she was doing. Her mind was saying her that, she had enjoyed what she had done, even when she was working in a small company in her own country.

She had tried. Naveesha had not given up and had tried to make things perfect for her. Even when her best friend had warned her about her past boyfriend present husband, saying that he was a drug addict, Naveesha had not listened to her. She had just brushed off the thought as though it was a drop of water on the leave of a lotus plant. She had tried to ignore the negative comments as she had believed in her love. She trusted Hashith to be the perfect gentleman he tried to be. Never in a million years would Naveesha had believed Hashini. Not until she saw it with her own eyes.

Even though prejudice and jealousy had clouded Naveesha's eyes, she never appreciated the thought of someone who was consuming drugs to take on with his life. So, when Naveesha had found the packet of drugs in Hashith's almirah, things had not gone so well between the two of them.

It had been almost after two months of their wedding when Naveesha had randomly opened Hashith's almirah that the packets of drug fell onto her hand. He had kept it inside a drawer in the almirah and it had fallen onto Naveesha's hand when she had half opened the drawer. At the first glance she had not recognized the packet and had thought that it was some sort of flour. But the biggest confusion she had was, why had a packet of flour needed to be in an almirah. And also, why had it to be so small. And when she had asked about it from Hashith he had sweat a lot. His eyes had gotten large in horror and he had just pulled the packet from her hands and had pushed her out of the room. Even though Naveesha had banged on the door for a long while, begging him to open it and talk to her, he had ignored her. Not until two days later he had finally conjured up the courage to talk to her. And even then Naveesha had trusted him enough to believe the lie he had spread out right before her eyes.

Things went smoothly between the two of them for a few more weeks. Once again Naveesha found a similar packet in the same place. At that crucial moment in the corner of her mind she heard Hashini's voice whispering. Whispering about Hashith being addicted to drugs. Even though Naveesha never wanted to admit for herself, at that time, her mind started to believe her best friend. So, without trying to be stupid enough to ask Hashith again about what she had seen, Naveesha took matters into her own hands. She hid the packet somewhere where he would never find and waited till he acted on himself.

That day had been a complete disaster. Hashith had arrived home with a big smile on his face and it lasted till he went to their room. It seems that he had opened the almirah to find it empty. Empty of the packet of life which drove him forward in his life. He screamed Naveesha's name and she walked smirking. Hashith rounded on her.

"Naveesha, did you open my almirah?" he asked his eyes red in anger.

"No Hashith," Naveesha replied trying to keep a straight face. It was not the first time she had lied to him after all.

"Don't lie," Hashith roared. Naveesha's face flinched.

"Don't shout at me," she said calmly. Not wanting to pick on his anger. She had already seen what he could do when his anger had increased. He had gotten into fights and brawls in the university, almost every week.

"Naveesha, please don't kid with me," Hashith closed his eyes tight and said without breaking his composure.

"I am not kidding with you darling, tell me what are you looking for? Maybe I could help you find it," Naveesha replied not looking into his eyes.

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