who are you (3)

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Taehyung was sitting on his cabin and thinking about certain stalker who was making him frustrated.
Taehyung's pov
Who are you?
I will find you one day and that day Will be your worstest day of your life.
But he is unaware of the fact that someone was watching him from a secret camera and the someone was none other than his stalker.
??: I don't think so love , because the day you find me you will question your all abilities and your intelligent workers who are finding me.

Authors pov
Taehyung was busy in thinking that he didn't heared the knock. But after min he heard the knock and said come in . Taehyung glanced towards the door and found jungkook standing there but the other thing which got his attention was he was wet and he glanced towards the window found its raining and again stared at jungkook. Jungkook was standing there awkwardly he was feeling nervous because taehyung was eyeing him has prey. Taehyung was stunned seeing jungkook.

Taehyung's pov
Wtf why I didn't saw him perfectly he is so beautiful and the wet hair is looking so hot and that bambey eyes looks so innocent and that lip so pink like strawberry I want to taste and his well toned body and thin waist it will look good around my arms his skin is is visible because of wet white shirt. God I am feeling so horney I want him so badly ( then it clashed his mind) wait I was straight don't I why the hell I am feeling aroused by jungkook who is a boy . No no taehyung control your fucking harmones yeah I am straight as scale but why the hell I am hard .

His sense was bought back by jungkook who was calling him from 25 min.
Jungkook: mr.kim( jungkook calls taehyung as mr.kim in home and office because taehyung said so)
Jungkook:mr.kim ( in mind: where the hell did he lost himself)
Jungkook: MR.KIM( shouted which made taehyung flinch and the pen which he was holding fall down)
Taehyung: why the hell are you shouting
Jungkook: I was calling you from that but you were busy in thinking
Taehyung: why are you wet
Jungkook: oh that actually I was at busstand when it suddenly started raining and I ran and come thats why
Taehyung: did you run the whole way like this
Jungkook: what??( Confusingly)
Taehyung: looking to like three course meal ( said while pointing towards jungkook)
Jungkook saw himself and his ear turned red from embracement.
Jungkook: I
he couldn't say the word because taehyung stand from his place and move towards him with intence stare
Taehyung started to move front and jungkook started move back till his back hit the wall he gulfd hard when he felt taehyung was standing infront him there was only little space between them slowly taehyung raised his hand jungkook breath stopped but taehyung raised his hand rufelled his hair and move back towards his chair and sat down.
Jungkook was standing there dumfounded he came to his sense and without saying anything ran from the room living taehyung who was questioning his own behaviour.
Thanks for reading ❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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