Namjin's Introduction ( 19)

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Jungkook was sleeping in sofa because he saw what taehyung was doing in his office for continuous 5hours and found him(taehyung) sitting on his office busy in phone call and work which made him feel sleepy so he slept .
Sana was waiting for jin and namjoon's arrival . Then after 5 hours namjin reached the mansion. Jin got down from the car and ran towards the main door living a concerned namjoon back.
Namjoon: sometimes I feel like jungkook is not my brother he is Jin's brother. See him running like bullet train to see koo .
Jin enterd the room and found jungkook sleeping in uncomfortable position and the laptop was in his lap
Sana: jin hyung you came see this idiot
Jin move towards jungkook sat infront of him caressed his fluffy hair
Jin: my small innocent bean
Namjoon: yah jin how can you leave your shoes hear and there
Jin: it because I ran inside so I throwed them away
Namjoon saw his baby brother was sleeping while pouting cutely but his expression changed when he saw his wrist which was bandaged
Namjoon: how many times
Sana: once in week
Namjoon: why he hurts himself sana
Jin: because he thinks it's his punishment for not saving his loved once.
Namjoon: the punishment should be given to that bitch aerum not himself
Jin: shh namjoon calm down don't freak out
Sana: joon hyung I think we should take him to his room
Jin: yeah
Jin lifted jungkook and placed him on his bed and kissed his forehead while mumbling good night left the room

Namjoon: he is 25 year old second elder brother of jungkook and younger brother of yoongi. He married to jin.
Loves his younger and elder brother more.

Seokjin: he is 28 year old. Husband of Namjoon. Know as world wide handsome. Always kind towards good people. Love jungkook  as his own son.

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
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