he is jealous(25)

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Jungkook was ready and waiting for taehyung he had given wrong address to taehyung because if taehyung sees his home it will tregar his memories.

Jungkook's pov
I am happy taehyung. We are going to the place were our love started.

His thoughts broken by car horn he saw Taehyung's car and made his way towards car but his blood boiled seeing nara sitting next to taehyung. He stood there with burning heart with anger .

Taehyung's pov
I was going to pick up jungkook when mom said me to take nara with me to airport I declined it first then she forced me to take her. When we reach near car I opened back seat for her but she didn't wait min and sat in front seat which made me annoyed I don't know why but I wanted jungkook to sit with me .
Then we reached the address I saw jungkook standing Infront of small apartment holding his bag and for second I stopped breathing who looks breathtaking in simple cloths god . Then he came towards car but stoped in middle has he saw nara I saw his jaw clenched and he fisted his hands I felt little nervous I don't know why but I don't wanted him to have wrong idea seeing nara he come towards the car and he kept his bag back and he opened the front seat door and held nara's wrist and pulled her out of car and sat in the seat and closed the door nara was on land because he pushed her down I was shocked seeing this . Then he down the window and glared at her and said
Jungkook: your not coming with us go and take the cab .
Nara: how dare you
Jungkook: don't you dare to raise your voice at me and go and take the cab and you (Turned towards me)start the car he was looking so hot without even thinking I nodded my head and start the car living bitc I mean nara behind.

Jungkook: sorry I don't know why I done that
Jungkook's pov
Koo why you done that control your jealous
Taehyung: it's ok
Jungkook turned towards the window started to admire the outside view.
Taehyung lips form a smirk
Taehyung's pov
He was jealous don't he . He looks fucking hot when he is jealous.

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
I was busy in preparation of exams so I couldn't upload and I will start to update your mine from Monday if you people want you can check that story also.
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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