Reunion of two brothers (10)

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Taehyung's mother was fuming in anger with anger when she saw jungkook but she didn't showed it and pretend to be calm and asked who is this son
Taehyung: eomma he is the one who I married
This words acted as fuel to her anger her hands clenched into fist and eyes are red from anger.

Mr. Kim pov
Areum I can see your angry but I am so happy that jungkook is alive. This many years I hated myself for not saving jungkook and his parents .
Now seeing jungkook I felt little bit revealed.

Authors pov
Jimin was seeing yoongi who was controlling his level best to not to break but he couldn't his tears were flowing continuously .who will not be broken seeing his brother whom he thought died now standing infront of him .
Jimin holded yoongi's hand yoongi turned and hugged jimin.
Seeing this scene taehyung was standing there confused he saw his parents staring at jungkook with unreadable expression and yoongi was hugging jimin while crying which made him have a flashback about something which was looking all blurry to him he holdded his head with his hands because of pain.
Taehyung: what happened hyung why you all are acting like this
Jungkook who noticed taehyung who was holding his head with pain he glanced towards jimin and made him sign to take yoongi with him and to take aerum with him.
Jimin: nothing taehyung he just remember Jhope nothing else yeah son we will take a rest because this many information is too much for our mind we will talk tommarrow. Come aerum
Taehyung: ok appa
Mrs. Kim: but han aurem just come please
He dragged aerum with him and taehyung got call from Jhope so he left from there to attend the call. Living sobbing yoongi, jimin and jungkook who without waiting any moment ran towards jungkook and slapped him
Yoongi: where were you? You know how much I cried everyday thinking you were not in this world how dare you to leave your brother like this han
He was crying and scolding jungkook who was seeing him with smile on his face
Jungkook: hyungi ( said with trembling voice)
Yoongi: don't call me hyungi you stupid bunny how dare you to leave me like this
Jungkook was crying and smiling at same time
Yoongi: now stop smiling and hug me
Jungkook hugged yoongi and cried his heart out
Jungkook: hyungi I missed you so much . I wanted to meet you everyday but I couldn't .
Seeing this two brothers jimin was also sobbing slowly.

This is not Anu I am her sister. She is not well so I wrote this part if it was Not good Forgive me . I am not writer I just wrote like imagination when my sis explained me about this part.

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍

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