Flashback ( 37)

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They reached taehyung's mansion and taehyung again carried jungkook to his own room
Jimin's pov
Taehyung is taking someone to his own room how?
Taehyung: jimin call the doctor
Jimin: I called him he is on his way.
Taehyung: get some cloths jimin
Jimin: are you going to change his cloths
Taehyung: then who you will do
Said with so done face but if turned into smile when he saw the boy jimin was stood shocked he saw his soulmate smilling seeing someone's
Jimin: I will bring the cloths
Left the room living smiling taehyung

Taehyung's pov
Your looking so ethernal I don't know who are you but I am feeling a strange connection towards you. Caressed boy's cheek with his fingers
So soft your cheeks are so soft like petal then he saw his cute button nose his booped it and smile to himself seeing the boy scruchnig his nose then his eyes travel down to his pink lips which were looking like a strawberry his favourite fruit he traced his finger over his lips and his eyes got darker feeling how soft his lips was his thoughts of chain was broken by fake cough

Jimin: it's bad to stare at someone in their sleep
Taehyung: I like to do bad things
Jimin: take this cloths
Taehyung: it's mine
Jimin: mine will be  small for him so I bought yours
Taehyung: whatever now leave and closed the door
Jimin: only change the cloths don't do any noughty noughty things ok
Taehyung: jimin.
Jimin: sorry I will
Said while Loughing
Taehyung changed jungkook's cloths like a gentleman ignoring his not so holly thoughts then he covered him with the blanckate and called jimin who enterd inside with doctor.
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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