mama and dada(49)

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Jungkook and Taegguk were now cuddling on sofa were taegguk was continusly rambling about his days before seeing him. Jungkook was staring at him because he was feeling like it was dream suddenly his phone rang he took it found taehyung was calling him
Jungkook: baby do you wanna hear your dad's voice
Taegguk: yeash
Said with sparkling eyes which made jungkook cooe
Jungkook: then don't speak ok you know we will give a dad surprise on his birthday kk
Taegguk nodded his head
Jungkook: aww my baby
Kissed his cheeks
He recived the call and kept it in speaker
Jungkook: hello
Taehyung: finally you recived my call
Where are you bun did mom said something please come back I am missing you
Jungkook: no hubby didn't said anything and yeah I will don't worry
Taehyung: where are you now I will come and take you
Jungkook: no need hyung I will come
Taehyung: where are you bun
Jungkook: I am in my dad's old mansion
Taehyung: ok I will come wait for me
Jungkook: ok
Taehyung: love you bun
Jungkook: love you two hyung
Jungkook cut the call and saw his baby who was staring at him with teary eyes
Jungkook: aww why my bub is crying
Taegguk: dad's voice is so nice I wansh to hear again and I alsho wanna see him
Jungkook was feeling sad because he knew how it's feels not to have your father when you need them he hugged his son and comforted him then a idea came to his mind he took his phone and callled namjoon
Jungkook: hello hyung come fast to home now taking jin hyung and your luggage
Namjoon: why koo
Jungkook:hyung you and jin hyung will come to kim mansion and from today till taehyung get his remaining memories Taegguk will be your son got it
Namjoon: Taegguk
Jungkook: hyung I will explain once you reach here come fast before tae comes here.
Namjoon: ok
Jungkook: baby you want to bad women to get punished na
Taegguk: yeah I akwaysh prey god to punish her
Jungkook: your mamma will punish her so you will help mama in that
Taegguk: yeash
Jungkook: the listen
Jungkook explained his plan to Taegguk who Clapped in excitement
Taegguk: yeah I will be staying with namjin uncels and mamma and dada
Jungkook: yes bub
Then a door opened revealing jaemin with namjin
Jin saw Taegguk and ran towards him and huuged him
Jin: ggukie baby
Taegguk: jinie uncle
Namjoon; hey champ
Taegguk: joonie uncle
Namjoon: koo uncel explained about everything and we will do every thing to make aerum to get punished
Jungkook: yes hyung we will
Jaemin: now I will leave of taehyung sees me he will ask thousands of questions
Jungkook: uncel thank you so much for saving my baby
Jaemin: not uncle jungkook call me appa or dad because your my bestfreinds son and my son also
Jungkook: thanks appa
Jaemin: take care ok and please, make sure to torture her the same way she tortured you and your parents
Jungkook: yes appa I will torture her more than she could imagine
Taehyung reached the mansion and went inside the room and found cutest thing he ever seen.
His husband was feeding a child and seeing it made him feel strange longing like he also wanted to be with them . He came inside and backhugged making Taegguk giggle
Jungkook: hyung you scared me
Taehyung: aww sorry bun and who is this cute boy sitting here
Said while pinching the boy cheeks
Taegguk: my name ish Taegguk and I am 5 yearsh old
Said while showing his hands cutely
Taehyung: aww really Taegguk nice name bun it's matches our name
Jungkook; because his name was kept by jin hyung
Taehyung saw him in confusion
Jungkook: namjoon and jin hyung adopted Taegguk from orphanage
Saying this jungkook was feeling like knife was stabbing his heart but for his husband and baby's sake he lied keeping his tears hidden.
Taehyung: oh ok by the way where is jin hyung
Jin: I am here alien
Taehyung: not again
Namjoon: how are you taehyung
Taehyung: I am fine hyung but how are you I am sorry I couldn't help you people
Namjoon: it's ok taehyung it's fine
Taehyung: hyung your son is so cute
Jungkook's pov
I wish I could say the truth
Taegguk: mama feed me
Taegguk said to jungkook which made taehyung confused
Jin: he calls jungkook mama because he was close to jungkook more then me
Taehyung: oh okay
Jungkook: hyung can I ask you something
Taehyung: what bun
Jungkook: can hyungs and Taegguk come to our house please
Taehyung: they can bun they are also our family
Taegguk: we will go to Mama's home
Taehyung: yes bub we will go to Mama's house
Taegguk: can I call you dad
Taehyung: you can bub
Taehyung picked Taegguk.
Taehyung:you people pack your things I will talk to this lil cutie ok
Jungkook: ok
Guys 10k reads thank you so so much 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️and
Happy New year 🥰🥰
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