I will kill her (77)

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Time skip
It has been 2hours since the operation started jin was crying mess and namjoon was taking care of him.
Sana came to taehyung
Sana: taehyung what about aerum
Hearing her name taehyung blood started to boil.
Taehyung:jimin you take care here I have someone to teach lessons
Jimin nodded his head
Yoongi: I will come with you
Taehyung: no hyung you stay here sana will come with me
Sana: yes hyung you stay here.
Taehyung and sana left for place where aerum was kept
Taehyung: I will kill her sana

Time skip
After an hour they reached the place
Taehyung get down from his car and took his gun with him without waiting for sana .
Inside the room aerum was tied to chair she was unconsious bogum was standing infront of her and many guards were surrounded around them after seeing taehyung they bowed to him ,taehyung saw aerum unconscious
Taehyung: wake her up
One of the guard took water and throwed it on aerum making her flinch and shout with sudden contact of cold water
Aerum: what the fuck
Taehyung: don't shout
Aerum: leave me
Taehyung moved towards aerum and untied her hands sana and bogum were seeing him in confusion.
Bogum: taehyung what
Taehyung signalled him not to talk
Taehyung: get up

⚠️ ⚠️⚠️

Aerum felt relaxed and she got up and took one step but in next step she fell on the floor with thud sound she cried in pain she turned and saw her leg was bleeding and raised her head only to found a devil himself. Aerum's blood turned cold seeing taehyung
Because he was looking like her death
Taehyung face was red from anger ,his eyes showing pure haterdness
Taehyung: what you think after making my bun suffer I will leave you
He holded her by her hair and she flinched by pain.
Taehyung: sana do you want to
Before he could finish sana replied
Sana: yes I want
Taehyung got up he was going when aerum held his leg while crying
Aerum: taehyung please leave me I begging you please
Taehyung: same way my bun would have begged you you left them so don't you dare to accept forgiveness from me . Sana whom are you waiting
Aerum started move backwards as she felt scared
Sana: you know aerum jungkook said me how you hurted me should I do the same things to you.

Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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