information and yoonminseok (5)

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Taehyung was is daze he was continusly thinking about jungkook's appearance a hour ago now jungkook was sitting infront of him while totally immersed in file which he was going to present in the meeting but taehyung was not in his mind his mind was only thinking about the incident happened a hour ago . But the chain of thought was breaked by the knock on door. .
??: Sir everyone are here
Taehyung: I will come you can live.
Is everything is ready ( asking Jungkook)
Jungkook: yeah
Taehyung: then let's go
Jungkook: hmm

In other side
Jhope was busy in finding information about the stalker he was finding the person from 4months but he couldn't but he was determined to find the stalker. He was searching something when his eye cought the mail which was sent him 5hours ago he opened it and his eyes got wider because that mail was something which he never thought of getting.
He hurriely took his phone and dailed taehyung's number but taehyung didn't picked it.
Jhope: damm tae pick the phone man you don't know who is your Stalker.
Why the hell he is not picking it up. Let's call yoongi hyung he will inform this to tae.
He dailed yoongi's number and yoongi recived the call
Jhope: hello hyung
??: Hobi hyung it's me jimin yoongi hyung is sleeping
Jhope: then fucking wake up that cat
Jimin: wah hyung are you in bad mood
Jhope: yeah chim I got know who is the stalker
Jimin: really who is it
Jhope; you will not belive who is that jimin
Jimin: hyung say who
Jhope: it's none other than Queen
Jimin: which kingdom's
Jhope: chim not that queen the stalker is a fucking mafia queen .
Jimin; what
Jimin was holding a glass of juice but hearing the name of queen that glass fall down from his hands.  Hearing this sound yoongi hurriely wake up and saw jimin was in utter shock
Yoongi: chim what happened.
Jimin: hyung queen is a stalker ( said while suturing)
Yoongi: which kingdom's
Jhope: this two . Put the phone in speaker chim
Jimin: yeah ( putted speaker)
Jhope: yoongi it's mafia queen who is stalking taehyung
Yoongi: so what??( Asked unbothered)
Jhope: for fuck sake yoongi the mafia queen whom no one saw no one met is stalking our taehyung
Yoongi: so what hobi? for me it's not a big deal.
Jhope: yoon for once please stop this fucking acting of  yours stop acting like cold-hearted person
Yoongi: and who made me like this ( said with straight face but eyes were teary)
Jimin: yoongi hyung
Yoongi: no jimin i can't I can't I am fucking cold ok bare with it . I don't care anything and anyone just don't bring me into this things again I had enough and mr.jhope I am cold-hearted so you should not contact me or the person who is with me and loyal to me .
Jhope: please not that matter we decided not to speak that again
Yoongi: yeah I don't care ( yoongi left leaving guilty Jhope and sad jimin)
Jimin: hyung  we still want you hyung .
Jhope: chim please don't
Jimin: I can't hyung seeing him like this brokes my heart he is not in his mind hyung just living for myself he craves you hyung and I also hyung why you broke us hyung we were so happy together but what made us to break like this hyung .
Jhope: jimin I
Jimin: sorry hyung I was not in my mind I became emotional sorry. And about that stalker part we will come hyung don't worry. And how is your life hyung how is sana is she is making you happy same as when you are with us . ( Said in cracking voice)
Jhope: chim( hobi's eyes were also teary)
Jimin: bye hyung I will call you when we reach there
Jhope: chim listen chim ( jimin cutted the call and fall on his bed and cried his heart out were as yoongi was seeing everything with teary eyes
Yoongi: be strong yoongi for jimin please be strong don't cry  
( Said to himself)
Yoongi: jimin
Jimin: hyung why we broke apart was I was not perfect for him .
Yoongi: shh jimin don't your so perfect may be I was not perfect for his choice
Jimin: no hyun you are the most perfect person in this world.
Yoongi and jimin hugged eachother with incomplete heart.
And on other side Jhope was staring at the phone with teary eyes
Jhope: sorry jimin sorry yoongi I was so selfish but I didn't had any choice

What was yoonminseok's past?
Jhope knows who is stalker what will taehyung do after finding this truth?
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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