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Jungkook's pov
Huh really, you think I will kill myself What a dumb lady.

Aerum: so it's a plan. You have to kill jungkook
Jungkook(queen): why, why I should kill him
Aerum: he is my enemy, he knows everything about my plans and deeds I want him dead .
Sana: I thought you hate jungkook because he married taehyung
Aerum: that is also a reason why want him to get killed. He is biggest problem of my life . I wanted taehyung to marry nara from which her dad's and our companies will merge together and we get lot of profit but my dumb son couldn't help but marry that faggot so just kill him everything will be alright
Sana: don't your son love him
Aerum: no he married him just to keep his promise
Jungkook's pov
You need oscar for your acting aerum.

Jungkook ( queen): what will I get if I kill jungkook
Aerum: I will give how much money you want
Jungkook laughed sacarstically
Jungkook(queen): money . Sana are you hearing she will give me money. What do you think of me a begger who will do anything for money
Aerum: then what you want
Jungkook(queen): you will give what I want han
Aerum: yes
Jungkook(queen):then I want you to give your share in property
Aerum: what ( shocked)
Jungkook (queen) : give me your share in property
Aerum thought for a while

Aerum's pov
My share I can give it because after taehyung marriage happens with nara I will get what I wanted. So there is no problem in giving my small share of property.

Aerum: ok I will give you but you have to kill jungkook
Jungkook (queen): sign this document. I will do your work
Aerum signed the document without even waiting for sec
Sana: deal is finaled
Both of them left the mansion living a smiling aerum.
Aerum: now I have to make sure taehyung and nara gets close .
So sad jungkook is going to get heartbroken and will leave this world finally.
But jungkook was hearing everything from hidden camera

Jungkook's pov
You don't know what going to happen in future Smile how much you want aerum because the day I punish you for your deeds you will cry like anything. You think I will let any bitch to get close to my taehyung na na your wrong see how I will send her back in two days the queen never wants anyone to touch what's his. Taehyung is mine .

In taehyung's side
He was in his secret office were him and his hyungs are only allowed. He was sitting on his chair while Jhope was saying something and yoonmin were just sitting there silently.
Jhope: Taehyung are you hearing what I said
Taehyung: what
Jhope: I said this address you got his from the cottage of Switzerland u think if we go there we will find some information.
Taehyung: then get ready you ( ponting toward Jhope) and yoonmin are coming with me and han book 5 tickets
Jhope: 5( confusingly)
Taehyung: jungkook will  also come with us
Jhope: ok . But we have private jet know we can go from that
Taehyung: yeah whatever just final is that we are going to switzerland.
Left the office
Jhope: is he going to honeymoon or to search for the queen taking jungkook with him.
Yoongi: his life your no one decide what he do
Jimin: yoongi don't
Before could he say yoongi left the room
Jimin: sorry hyung you know how he is
Jhope: it's ok chim.
Jimin: how is your life going hyung
Jhope: hmm fine. How is your life
Jimin: should I lie or say the truth
Jhope: you will never lie to me
Jimin: nothing is good hyung our life is full of darkness without your sunshine smile.
Jimin said with sad eyes which made Jhope heart hurt.
Jimin: I will leave hyung I have to take care of yoongi who may be sitting sadly in car . Bye hyung
Left the room

Jhope:Did I do wrong broking apart from them.
From 9th my exams are going to start it will be till 20th . So the updates will be slow.
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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