Proposal (31)

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Everything was ready jungkook was preparing dinner with help of maids were as taehyung was talking with Steven
Taehyung: uncle please say did jungkook came here before with me
Steven: young master he didn't come
Taehyung: stop lieng uncle
Steven: young master I can say only one thing the you ask jungkook he will give you a answer for every question.
Taehyung: he will not I know he will not give any answer
Steven: then think young master why he can't answer what's stopping him from that.left living frustrated taehyung
Taehyung: why the fuck no one answers me correctly why everyone are hiding something from me.
Then hear door bell found his hyungs came back
Yoongi: everything is ready na
Yoongi: what happened
Taehyung: nothing

Time skip
They were having their dinner on balcony in prsence of cool air full moon and star filled sky
Yoongi made sign to Jhope and then thier plan started
Yoongi: jimin I want to say something
Jimin: what is it hyung
Yoongi: take this
Jimin took a plastic bag and found a cloths
Yoongi: can you please wear it and come
Jimin nodded his head left but there were two people seeing this scene one with confusion another with unreadable expression

Taehyung's pov
This same thing I saw in my dreams but I was there in place of yoongi and that boy was in place of jimin hyung .

Then jimin enters the balcony looking ethernal as hell and jungkook was stood frozen.

Jungkook's pov
What did this planned ,why jimin hyung is wearing the same cloths I wored that time what their planning.
Taehyung's pov
Same cloths what's happening here

Yoongi came towards jimin and held his hand kneeled Infront of jimin
Yoongi: The first day I saw you you took my breath away from your appearance, your innocence made me go crazy ,your smile your talk your everything makes my heart feel warm and loved whenever you call my name with your sweet honey voice I want to listen it everyday I don't how when and why but I have fallen harder for you so will you be my boyfriend
( sorry for this shitty proposal I suck at writing proposing scene)
Jimin nodded his head with teary eyes in yes and yoongi kissed his hand and hugged him
Jimin: I love you hyungi
Yoongi: love you to my love

Jungkook's eyes were teary his hyungs effort made him cry and seeing this his best day came to his mind
And Taehyung stood there frozen because he was not seeing yoonmin in the place he was seeing himself and jungkook in their place he turned and saw jungkook's teary eyes then again saw yoonmin his eyes started to get blurry he wanted to held jungkook's hand but before his could reach his eyes cought with blackness and before he could close his eyes he heared honey cotted voice calling his name.Taehyung then blackness took over his mind and he fell unconsious.

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