truth revealed(74)

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Jungkook: what
Aerum: yeah jaemin was reason why I lost my Love.
Jungkook: stop lieng
Aerum: I am not leing me , jaemin and Taehyung's mom and your father used to study in same class . We were bestfreinds but one day jihoon who was son of jaemin's father's rival entered into our life he was also was rival of jaemin he got angry seeing him but I couldn't help but fall for him I was scared if I reveal my love interest in jihoon jaemin will not be freind with me . But one day I saw jaemin killed jihoon I felt so much pain, I lost my Love you know I was going to propose him but jaemin killed jihoon I couldn't do anything. When I asked him why he gave fake reason saying jihoon tried to molest taehyung's mom which was fucking fake I know he killed him because of his shitty rivalry. I hated him I wanted revenge that's why I made jaemin fall for me but your father made him marry her I got so angry my plan became failed then I made drama making jaemin belive in me blindly and he was ready to marry me when she got pregnant then again my plan failed but after taehyung's birth I made taehyung's mother as villian I made jaemin hate her and you know he just pushed her and went away I was the one who pushed her from buliding I was the one who killed her. 
Everything was perfect then that shitt head wrote his all properties to taehyung's name i planed taehyung's marriage with nara then you came again my plan failed that's why I killed your parents got it I don't need this property and all I want Kim's to suffer I want them to cry everyday how I cry ( and so on she revealed her every deeds)
Jungkook: that was true . Jihoon tried to molest her
Aerum: don't lie to me
Jungkook: you know I don't feel pitty for you . You killed innocent people for your shitty revenge. By the way thanks for the evidence
Aerum titled her head in confusion
Taehyung: truth is revealed areum
Aerum: son
Taehyung: don't you dare to call me that , you killed my mother because of your fucking so called revenge I will kill you
He move forwards but stopped by jungkook
Jungkook: no hyung first give this evidence to police and say aerum commited sucide because of regrets.
Jimin: give this too me kook me and hyungs will take care of it you people have to deal with her
Left with evidence living furious taehyung who was ready to end aerum's life.

Few parts then this story will be finished. 
Thanks for reading ❤️❤️
Stay healthy 🤍🤍
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