The Worse Time Of The Year

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Christmas. A time where family come together and bond over the holidays. Wish I knew what that was like. While other families get enjoy the holidays together, Dad and I have spend an awkward Christmas with my half brother Charlie.

I'm not all that fond of Christmas anymore. It was great when I was a kid... but then Mom pass away and it wasn't so great anymore. Then it start to be okay again when Dad married Laura and they had Charlie... but then Dad and Laura divorce and now it's crappy again. Made even worse with Charlie becoming more and more distance, since Laura married Neil.

So now every year when Charlie comes to spend Christmas Eve with us, there's an awkward tension between the three of us. Happiest time of the year? More like the worse time of the year!

I groan at the sound of the door bell ringing, knowing who had rung it. I made my way to the door, opening it up to see sure enough, Laura and Charlie standing there, with Neil hiding back in his car. "Hi, (Name)." Laura said, pulling me into a hug, while Charlie looks at the ground, sad. "Hi. Dad's not here yet. He's still at the Christmas party at work." I told her. "I kind of thought so. Maybe we should just wait in the car."

"Why wait? Just leave Charlie with me. Then you and Dad don't have to fight." I said, knowing that be best for both Charlie and I. No kid likes to hear their parents fight. "We're not going to fight, and I don't want to leave Charlie without you're father here."

"I'm not a child." I said, with an attitude. "I know you're not." Laura said. "I'm practically an adult now!" I added. "I know, I know. I just... don't feel comfortable leaving Charlie with you."

I glare at Laura, feeling insulted she can't trust me to watch an little eight year old. "Fine. You want to freeze out here, be my guest." I said, before I closed the door in her face. I headed upstairs, ignoring Laura ringing the doorbell again.

After roughy 30 minutes I heard noise coming down stairs. Dad must have finally showed up. "(Name), will you come down here, please?" I heard Dad called from downstairs. I left my room and walk down the steps to see him and Laura standing by the door. "Did you shut the door in your Step-Mother's face?"

"I said I could watch Charlie till you showed up but she wanted to wait outside." I explained. "But you didn't need have that attitude, did you?" He asked, I didn't answered. "No you didn't. I know Christmas is hard for you, but you don't ever be disrespectful to your Step-Mother like that. You understand me?"

"Yes, sir." I said, in a dry tone. The one you given when your not really listening but you act like you do anyway. "Good. Now apologize to Laura." Dad said, pointing at her with his thumb. "I'm sorry, Laura."

"It's alright, (Name). It's not that I don't trust you to look after Charlie. I just rather your father look after him." She told me. "Alright. Go say hi, to your brother." Dad said, patting me on the shoulder. I wander towards the living room, while the two of them talk. "Teenager. What am I going to do with her?" Dad asked, as I turn the corner to enter the living room.

"Hey Charlie." I said, walking right pass him and taking a seat on the sofa. "Hi (Name)." Charlie said, setting two boxes down under the tree. "So.... Well... You goin' to your mom's for dinner?" I heard Dad asked Laura. "Actually, we're gonna be with Neal's family."

"Ah, Christmas at the pound." Dad imitated a dog howl and cat hissing as he walk to the living room, through the kitchen. "There aren't that many presents over there." Charlie say to Dad. "Well, that's because Santa isn't here yet." Dad told him, making me roll my eyes. "Neil doesn't believe in Santa." Charlie told him. "Well, Neil's head comes to a point."

"He's smart. He's a doctor." Charlie said, we hear Neil's car honk from outside. "He's not a doctor. He's a psychiatrist. Take your coat off. You're stickin' around, aren't ya?" Charlie took off his coat and walked over to me. "(Name)?" He asked. "Yeah?" I asked, not looking at him and instead continuing to look at the wall across from me. "Do you believe in Santa?" He asked. "Of course I..."

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