Reindeer Flying

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"(Name)? (Name), wake up." I let out a groan, turning over and opening one eye to see Bernard sitting on the edge of my bed. "Bernard? What time is it?" I asked, looking at the window to see it was still dark out. "One in the morning." He answered, I snap my head back in his direction. "One in the...?! Don't you sleep?"

"Yes, but night is the only safe time we can practice your flying, now get up." Bernard said, pulling my blanket off of me and grabbing my arm to pull me out of bed. "F-f.... Flying?" I stuttered. "Yes. Reindeer flying. Now go get your shoes and meet us outside!" Bernard said, disappearing into sparkly dust, before I can get another word in. "We?"

I put on my shoes and exited the house, finding only one reindeer outside, along with Bernard and another elf with glasses. "I don't see why you couldn't just bring her to the Pole to do this. According to the Santa handbook, all flying training must be done in the appointed flying range."

"I can't just pluck her out of bed and bring her to the North Pole. My way of travel only works on me. We won't let anyone see us." Bernard said, as I walked down to them. "Ah, (Name). This is Curtis, the #2 Elf. Curtis this is (Name), the next Little Helper." Bernard said introducing us, Curtis smiles and briefly holdup his hand to wave.

"Are you like his Second in command?" I asked Curtis. "Yeah, but soon I'll Head Elf one day." Curtis said with a grin. "Yeah, not likely." Bernard told him, before he clap his hands together. "Let's get started, shall we. (Name), this is Vixen."

"Hi Vixen." The reindeer turn her head to look at me. "She's very friendly and gentle, so don't worry. Go ahead, pet her on the head." I step closer to the reindeer, petting the fur in between her antlers. Vixen let out a noise and rub the side of her face into my stomach, making me laugh.

"See? She likes you already! Now riding a reindeer is as easy as riding a bike." Bernard explained. "You know, if a bike had fur and can fly and go really, really, fast." Curtis said, making me freeze mid-pet, as I'm reminded just how scared I was again. "Curtis!" Bernard said through his teeth, glaring at the little elf.

Bernard then let out a quick laugh and patted me on the back. "Don't be scared, (Name). Everything going to be fine. We'll take it slow. Just climb on and grab the reins." I look at Vixen, unsure. I mean wrapping presents is one thing, but flying. I'm not so sure about that.

I climb onto the reindeer, nervously grabbing hold of the reins. "See? It's not so bad. Now we'll start off with something simple. Just click your tongue and Vixen will start trotting. Pull the reins in the direction you want her to go in. Try trotting in a circle for us."

I look down at Vixen, who turn her head to look at me, awaiting directions. I click my tongue as Bernard said and Vixen looks ahead, starting to trot. Just as we're about to cross into the neighbors's yard, I turn the reins getting Vixen to turn so we could go the other way. I let out a giggle of excitement, seeing I was actually getting the hang of this. Vixen and I start trotting in a circle, without any issues.

"Ah-ha! You're a natural, (Name)!" Bernard told me, as he and Curtis watch from the side. "Yeah but, just wait till she's in the air." Curtis mumbled, causing the taller elf to turn sharply towards him. "Stop."

Bernard turn froward again and step out in the way, to stop Vixen. "Easy girl. Okay, now it's time to get you two flying. Now don't worry, (Name), she won't go any higher than the house, right Vixen?" The reindeer let out a noise in response. "Now all you have to do it, is say 'Hah' to make her go up and if you want her to go fast say 'Hyah'. But don't worry about last part, we'll go over that more later. Just focus on going up."

I bit the bottom of my lip, looking up at the sky. It's so high up, which means the ground is so far down. If I fall off, that's it, I'm dead! As dead as the last Santa, who fell off the roof. I don't want to die. Sure my life hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows, but that doesn't mean I wanna lose it!

"Hey." I turn my head to the left, to see Bernard was now right next to me. "It'll be alright." He said in soft gently tone, as place his hand on top of my hand, that held the reins. "I'll be right there to catch you, if something goes wrong. I promise." I look into those brown eyes of his, feeling my anxiety wash away for a moment.

I guess it couldn't hurt to try... right? He said he be there if something happens. Bernard real good at appearing out of thin air so... I know he's got me. Yeah. Yeah, I can do this.

I mustered up a smile and nodded. Bernard smiles and let's go of my hand, stepping back to give us room. "Same as before, just try going in a circle." I look down at Vixen, who turn her head at me and nodded, in encouragement.

"Hah." Vixen start floating up, slowly after my command. I look down at the ground, as we float further and further away from it, until we were at the upstairs windows level. Just like before, Vixen started trotting, until I turn the reins to get her to go in the other direction.

"Looking good, (Name)." Curtis told me from the ground. "See? I told you she could do it." He then said to Bernard, who shook his head. I laugh to myself again, seeing this isn't so bad. It really is, just like riding a bike. I bet I can go this even higher, now.

"Hyah!" I said, only realizing too late my mistake. Vixen kick up her front hooves, almost knocking me off, before she started galloping through the sky at a fast speed. I scream, falling froward and grabbing hold of the reindeer's hames strap for dear life.

"WHOA! STOP, STOP, STOP!" I yelled at the reindeer, before I yanked on the reins. Vixen came to a sudden stop, before she kick upwards with her hind legs. This caused me to lose my grip and fall right off the reindeers back.

I scream, plummeting to the ground below. I closed my eyes, seeing my life flash before me. Before I felt a pair of arms catch me, instead of hitting the hard ground. "(Name)! Are you alright?" I open my eyes to see Bernard was the one that caught me, just like he said he would.

Instead of answering him, I leap up, wrapping my around his neck and burying my face into the crook of his neck. "Oh! Uh... it's uh.... It's alright, (Name). I'm here. I got you, just like I said I would." I felt a radiating heat coming off a Bernard, as I continued to hug onto him tightly.

"C-Curtis? Why don't you get Vixen and take her back to the Pole. I think we're done for tonight." I felt Bernard starting to move, probably back towards the house. "Jeez, you're face is real red. Redder than, the red on a candy cane!" Curtis said, causing Bernard to shush him.

Bernard carried me back into the house and up to my room, where he tried to place me on my bed. But I still wouldn't let him go. "O-okay.... Let me just." Bernard sat on the edge of the bed, grabbing my wrists, to pull me off of him, and push me away onto the bed. "See (Name)? You're back in your room, safe and sound."

Bernard try to let me go, but I quickly grab his hand to hold it. "That was... the most exciting thing I have ever done." I finally said, making Bernard smile. "Really? I thought you be scared."

"Oh I was! I thought I was gonna die! Until..." I paused, glancing down at our hands. "Until uh... until you caught me." I felt my stomach get all weird and my heart started pounding, again. Am I dying? Why does my body get all weird around him?!

"I told you I would." Bernard said, I look away from our hand, to lock eyes with the elf. "I uh... really care about you, (Name). I would never want you to get hurt. So uh... if there's something I can do to prevent it, I'll do it in a heart beat."

I smile at Bernard, feeling safe around him. "That's really sweet, Bernard." The elf let's out a nervous laugh. "I uh... sh-should probably get back to the Pole." Bernard let go of my hand and stood up quickly, his face getting all red. "Un-until next time!" He then disappearing into sparkly dust.

I smile to myself like a fool, falling backwards onto my pillow. Grabbing my blanket and pull it up to my chest, feeling so strangely unbelievably happy. I didn't even know it was possible to feel this happy, but here I am feeling it? For whatever reason, Bernard is the only one that makes me that happy.

The Santa Clause: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now