Keeping It A Secret

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Every since the night at the pole, Charlie has been obsessed with Santa Clause. To a point the kids at his school are picking on him. So Dad pulled me along to Laura house so we can talk to Charlie about what happen.

"I don't think he's gonna listen." I told Dad, when he turn the car onto Laura's street. "He's going to have to. I mean, we agree the whole North Pole thing was a dream right?" I looked over at Dad for a moment, in thought. Before I look down at the charm around my neck and began fidgeting with it. "Yeah.... It was just a dream."

Dad stop the care in front of Laura's house and we climb out, seeing Laura already making her way down to us. "Where is he?" Dad asked, walking around his car. "Well, he could be in his room jumping up and down on his bed, wearing a red hat and galoshes."

"I don't care what Neil's doing. Where's Charlie?" Dad said making Laura laugh. "Oh, I see, I see. Well, if you can't be father of the year, why not be Father Christmas, huh?" Laura let us in her house and into the living room, where Charlie was with Neil trying to convince him Santa's not real.

"What about the reindeer? Have you ever seen a reindeer fly?" Neil asked, kneeling down to Charlie's level. "Yes." Charlie answered, picking up a Santa toy, from off the globe. "Well, I haven't." Neil told him. "Have you ever seen $1 million?" Charlie asked. "No." Neil answered. "Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

"Hi, Neil. Howdy, sport." Dad said, as we enter the living room. "Hi, Dad. Hi, (Name)." Charlie said looking up at us. "You wanna take a walk? We wanna talk to you." Dad told him, as Neil stood up, walking away to whisper to Laura. "Sure. I'll get my coat." Charlie said, sliding out of his chair and running upstairs to his room. "Okay, hustle up."

"Scott? Can I have a minute?" Neil asked, walking over to Dad and I. "Sure. (Name) uh.. go keep your brother company will ya?" I spun around, on my heel and heading up the stairs to Charlie's room.

Charlie practically ram right into me when I reached his doorway. "Slow down, Speed Racer. Neil is talking to Dad, so we got time to kill." I told him, strolling into his room. "(Name), do you think I can be a Little Helper too?" Charlie asked, following me back into his room.

"I don't know." I said, turning around to face him. "Why don't you ask your buddy Bernard? He knows these things better than me." I said, Charlie doesn't say anything. He just looked up at me stunned. "What?" I turn my head to look over my shoulder, and saw Bernard standing right behind me with a smirk.

"Oh my god." I said in a tried tone, looking away and pressing my hand to my forehead, coving one eye with my palm. "Heya Sport." Bernard said, strutting pass me, to speak with my half brother. "Bernard! How did you do that?" Charlie asked, excitable. "Magic."

"He's been doing this for two months now!" I said, gesturing to Bernard with my hand. "So, you've been seeing my sister?" Charlie asked Bernard, before he look up at me. "Does Dad know?" He asked me. "No. I haven't told him." I answered. "Why not?"

"Tch. What am I supposed to say? 'That Elf Bernard appears out of thin air at random and then disappears.' He thinks I'm nuts and lately I've been thinking I'm nuts, too!"

"Well, you're going to have to tell him effectively. Both of you are going to have to accept what's coming." Bernard said, putting his hands behind his back. "What? What do you mean what's coming?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at the elf.

"Charlie, (Name)." We heard Dad call from down stairs. "We'll talk later." Bernard said, before he disappeared in glittery dust. I let out a sigh and gesture to the air, as the glitter drop to the carpet. "See? He does this, all the time!"

Dad, Charlie, and I walked through the park, where it wasn't long before Charlie brought up Santa again. "Do you think by next year I'll be big enough to drive the sleigh all by myself?" He asked. "No!" Dad answered. "But I've been practicing."

"No, that's not what I'm talking about. Charlie, hold on a second. We've got to talk about this Santa Claus thing." Dad said, getting Charlie to stop walking and look up at him. "Charlie, there is no..." Dad trailed off, unable to say. "No what, Dad?"

Dad look at me for encouragement, but I just shrug my shoulders. Even if I did say Santa wasn't real, no way Charlie believe me. Not after Bernard visited us just a moment ago. Dad look back at Charlie, narrowing his eyes. "There's no reason why we have to tell anybody about the North Pole."

"Why not?" Charlie asked. "Well, sometimes some things, big things, should remain unsaid, like between two... or three people..." Dad said, trying to search for the right words. "Oh, you mean like a secret." Charlie said. "Yes! Like a secret. Let's keep it secret."

"How come?" Charlie asked, causing Dad to kneel down to his level. "Because of Mom and Neil. Not just because of them. There's school. Everybody thinks... No, it's not important what they think. It... How does five bucks sound to ya?"

Charlie doesn't say anything and just continues to stare at Dad. "This is something I really want you to do for me, Sport. I want to keep this secret. Will ya do that, please?" Charlie then smiles. "Okay, Dad." This made Dad smile as well. "All right. Great." Dad stood up and we began walking again. "You don't have to worry about the Santa Claus thing anymore." Dad said. "So when do I get the five bucks?"

With Charlie agreeing to keep it a secret, we return home with Dad thinking this whole Santa Claus stuff was behind us. With only things could be that simple in my case...

I enter my room, letting out a groan when I saw Bernard sitting at my desk with a box and wrapping paper. "Have you ever wrap a present before?" He asked, getting right into thing. "Have you ever heard it's rude to enter someone's room when their not home?" I asked, shutting my door.

"I know it seems complicated but trust me. It's real easy." Bernard said, standing up, only to pull me over to the desk, where he sat me down. "Try to wrap it on your own. I wanna see what I'm working with here."

I look at the box and wrapping paper in front me, before I turn my head to look up at Bernard. "Not so fast, Jiggles. You said my Dad and I are going to have to accept what's coming. What did you mean by that?"

"It's nothing to be concerned about. You both will just go through some changes the closer you get to Christmas. But physically and mentally." What... what the heck does he mean by that?! "What do you mean, by changes?!" I asked. "Listen Snowbell, I only have so little time before I'm do back at the Pole. I can't spend all day playing 20 questions with you."

"You can't just say stuff like that and expect me not to want answers! What kind of changes are we talking about?" I asked. Bernard curled his lips inward as he stared down at me, with a frustrated look. "Okay how about this? You wrap a perfect present and I'll answered any questions you have."

"But I never wrap a present before, how do you expect me to wrap it perfectly just to get answers out of you?" Bernard smirks and lean down, so his face was hovering just above mine. "All it takes is practice." I glared back at the elf, who smiled with satisfaction, standing up straight once more. "Go on, it's not going to wrap itself."

The Santa Clause: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now