An Elf In Your Locker

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I maneuvered my way through the crowded hallway of my school, while scratching my right ear. Lately they've been so itchy, I just wanted to tear them off just to get some peace.

When I reach my locker, I put in the combination to unlock. Pulling the steel door open, I let out a yelp at the sight inside. Bernard was standing right inside, his hands behind his back. "We need to talk." He said, casually climbing out.

"How long were you in there?" I asked, never realizing until now that someone could actually fit inside there. "Not important. It's April, you-know-who already going through some changes and soon you will as well."

"Please tell me these changes involve you not popping in and out of existence anymore." I said, dumping my school supplies into my locker. Before I held up my hand, with my finger hovering just a centimeter above my thumb. "Because I'm am just about this close to going to see Neil just to make sure I haven't cracked!"

Bernard swayed his head left to right. "Ehhh close. When you move to the Pole you won't have to worry about me using magic to see you anymore." I narrow my eyes at him. "Wait, wait. Move to the Pole?" I asked, causing Bernard to roll his eyes. "I don't need to explain this to you again, do I?"

"No, you don't have to explain anything! I'm not moving the Pole! I didn't suffer 12 years of school, with college right before me, just to have my Dad knock your boss off a roof and ruin my future before I can even start it!" I explained, causing some of the other students in the hall to glance over at us.

"I'm sorry, (Name).... But the Pole is your future now." Bernard told me, with a genuine like of sympathy. I stare up at Bernard shaking my head, unable to believe it. "No.... No, no! That's not fair! Why don't I have a choice in this?"

"You did have a choice when you..." I interrupted Bernard, by pushing him against the lockers, causing more people to stop and stare. "NO! Don't you dare say I had choice when I put on that stupid hat. I didn't know putting that thing on was going to ruin my life all over again! I don't want to do this! I want my life back!"

Bernard look down at me, shocked by my out burst. "I'm sorry, (Name). I really am... but there's no way to change it. Not without Christmas ending." I stare back at Bernard, feeling tears threatening to escape down my cheeks. I closed my eyes to stop them, and let Bernard go, stepping away. "Well then maybe it should end."

"You don't mean that." Bernard said softly. I open my eyes again to glare at him. "I do! I hate Christmas! I hate the holidays! I hate Santa! And I hate you!" I then slam my locker door shut and flounced down the hall, with some of the students stepping aside to get out of my way.

I made it to the exit, where I shove the doors open and headed outside so I can go home and cry into my pillow until I fall asleep. "Where you going beautiful?" Oh god, this is the last thing I want to deal with right now.

I ignore the cat call and kept walking. "Hey! I'm talking to you." I kept going, feeling the person that called out to me, was now following me. Great. Yeah, this is all great. I get told my life is out of my hands and now I'm being harassed.

"I said I'm talking to you!" The boy said, grabbing my shoulder. I spun around and pushing the boy away from me. "Buzz off!" I told the boy, who just laughs. "Oooh, we got a fire cracker here." He said, as two more boys came up laughing. I guess they're his friends.

"Look I'm not in the mood, so just leave me alone." I said, turning to leave. "Aw come on, girl." The boy, quickly moving so he was now in front of me. "I bet I can make you feel better."

"Can't you just take No for an answered?" I asked, trying to move pass him. But the boy grab my arms and shoved me again the wall of the school, where he pinned me there. "I'm just trying to be nice."

The Santa Clause: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now