So You Wanna Be An Elf

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Well it's been a month since that freaky night. And so far nothing strange or Christmas related has happen. I knew it wasn't real. It was just something my subconscious cooked up.

Now how did Dad and Charlie ended up having the exact same dream I had? I don't know! I actually rather not question that, because I just want to put all that behind me and focus on more important things. Like picking a college, I have a chance in getting accepted into. I graduate in May so I really don't have time to worry over some silly dream.

Trying to pick a college is exactly what I'm doing right now. I sat in my room looking at my options, when I heard a noise downstairs. "Dad?" I called, feeling an anxious feeling building up inside me. Dad supposed to be at work... so that can't be him making that racket, can it?

I exited my room and slowly went down a couple steps, poking my head out, to see what's downstairs. But I didn't see anyone or anything. With no other choice, I climb down the rest of the steps and enter the kitchen seeing it's empty. However a milk carton was sitting on the counter.

I titled my head at it, finding it strange. I've been here all day and I didn't drink any milk. And if I did, I wouldn't have left it out on the counter. I walk up to the carton, picking it up to discover it's empty but how? It was a brand new carton, no way it can be empty already.

"You're out of milk by the way." I jump at the sound of someone behind me, and spun around, throwing the empty carton at them. The person moved to the side slight, avoiding the carton thrown at them. "Nice to see you too, Snowbell."

My eyes widen as I started to see that the intruder was actually Bernard. "Bernard?" I asked, backing away till I hit the counter. "How... what... what are you doing here?" I asked, putting my hands on the counter, to help keep myself standing as any sense of reality what now crumbling around me.

"Forgot already? I'm here to train you to be an elf, remember?" He said, holding a glass of what's left of our milk, up to his lips and taking a sip. "Train me? No, no, no. This isn't possible! Everything that happen on Christmas Eve was a dream, alright!"

"It was? I must have miss that memo." Bernard said, finish off the last of the milk. "It was! There's no such thing as Santa or you. You're just a figment of my imagination!" Bernard raising eyebrow this. "Or really?" He set the glass down and stroll up to me, with his hands behind his back.

I wanted to back up to try and get away, but there was no where else to go. Before I knew it, I was cornered. Bernard was standing right in front of me, staring me down. He then slip his hands through my arms, to place them on the counter behind me. I hunched down, while he leaned over me, hovering his face just above mine.

"Do I look like an imagination to you?" He asked, not breaking eye contact with me. I gulp, feeling my stomach turn up in knots as my face feels like it's on fire. ".........n-no........" I managed to get out, feeling my throat dry up in an instant.

Bernard snicker as he smiles, just making me want to melt into the floor. "I hate to break the news to you, Snowbell. But everything that happen on Christmas Eve was real. As real as I am right now. Now, are we going to have anymore problems with you denying it?"

I could only shake my head, feeling my voice was gone in this moment. "Good. I only have till Thanksgiving to get you ready and I do not like to spend time aimlessly. So, no more stalling, capeesh?" Once again I couldn't speak and only nodded, making Bernard grin. "Great." He then step away from the counter, finally giving me room to breath again.

"I have everything set up in the other room, come on now. No lollygagging." Bernard said walking into the living room and leaving me standing there stun, by what just happen.

The Santa Clause: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now