Ice Skating In The Middle Of Summer?!

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"Ha-ha!" I cheered, holding up the neatly wrap present with pride. "Hmm, very nice." Bernard said turning the box around, to see no wrinkles, rips, or extra tape. "If you didn't know better, I say you were getting the hang of this." He said, grinning down at me.

"Yeah well, maybe you were onto something, about it all taking practice. So, what's next? Baking? Building Toy soldiers? I'm up for anything, but tying a ribbon." I said, making Bernard snickers. "Still struggling with that one?" He asked. "Sort of." I said turning my head away, getting another laugh out of the elf.

"Uh how about ice skating?" He asked, I turn my head back in confusion. "Ice skating? In the middle of summer? What does that have to do with anything?" Bernard place his hands behind his back, as he looks up and turned to the side, to avoid eye contact. "W-well... I was just thinking..."

Bernard had to pause for a second to clear his throat. "You've been working very hard these pass months. S-so I thought we could do something fun for a change. If uh... if you like to that is. My idea of fun, is limited to winter related activities, I'm afraid. So, if you rather do something else..."

"Alright." I said, causing Bernard to turn his head in my direction with a surprise expression. "I'm up for it. Though I don't how we're gonna be able to ice skate in this heat." Bernard let's out a nervous chuckle as he smiles. "Don't worry. I have it cover."

Bernard led me to the park, where the lake was magical turn to ice. "Wha... did you do this?" I asked, pointing the cold ice before us. "With a little magic. You'll need these." He said, holding two pairs of ice skates to me.

I took a seat on a bench by the lake, so I could put the skates on. As I was tying the strings into a knot, Bernard skated over to me. "Have you ever ice skate before?" He asked, when I finished tying the last knot. "Uh... no. I roller skated before. Ice skating can't be that much different.... Right?"

Bernard swayed his head from side to side. "Not quite. But don't worry, I'll tech you. Here give me your hand." Bernard held his hand out to me, getting those butterflies in my stomach to return. Maybe I should get that looked at.

I took Bernard's hand and allowed him to pull me off of the bench and onto the ice. The second the blades on my skates touch the ice, I felt myself losing my balance. I wrap my other arm around Bernard, clinging onto him, like my life depended on it. "Whoa! You're okay, (Name). Don't worry I won't let you fall."

"T-the ice won't melt right?" I asked, looking down at our feet. "No, don't worry. This ice won't melt until midnight. I'm going to start you off with some basic gliding. All you have to do is alternate between lifting one foot and another. It's simple."

"Yeah. You said that about tying a ribbon too." I said, making Bernard laugh. "I swear it's easy. Come on." Bernard pull me off of him, so we were back to just holding hands. "Y-you won't let go, right?" I asked, looking at him in a panic. "I won't let go, until you say so." He said, with a smile that strangely put me at ease a bit.

"Okay, bend your knees. It'll help keep you balanced as you skate." I do as Bernard said, and bend my knees a little. "Now we're gonna start, skating. Keep your arm out and take small steps froward."

I held out my free arm and pick up one foot, just as the elf said. But the second I was balancing on one foot with a skate, I immediately started to lose my balance. My body wiggled as I started to lose my footing and begin to fall backwards.

Bernard try to saved me by yanking my back up mid-fall. But that caused him to lose his balance and instead we fell froward. Bernard's back hit the ice first before I crashed landed right on top of him. "I thought you said you wouldn't let me fall." I said with a groan, that made him laugh. "I'm sorry, (Name). I guess I'm a lousy teacher."

"At ice skating, sure. Everything else you taught me.... maybe not so much." I said making him laugh again. "Well thanks. I have been doing it for a long time. I'd hope I'm not terrible at training elves, since it's part of my job."

I pick myself up slightly, to where I was now hovering over Bernard. It was in this moment, I finally realized the position were in, and my face got all warm and turn red with embarrassment. My stomach got all weird as my heart started thudding like... like it was on fire!

Bernard seem to notice our awkward position as well, causing his face turn even redder than my own. "Are uh... are you alright?" I asked, unable to move. "Y-yes... I think I am." Bernard answered, locking eyes with me. "G-good! That's good."

We both sat there for a moment, staring at one another. I wanna get up, but my body won't move! It's frozen and ignoring my commands! Come on (Name), you're making it weird! Just get up already stupid! Get up!

I push myself off of Bernard, falling back on my butt. Bernard sat up, starting at me with a worried look. "What's wrong?" He asked, making me feel awful now. "O-oh uh... I just thought... we uh... we... We try again! Yeah, that's it! We should try again!" I said, turning on my side to try and stand up on my own.

Bernard got himself up easily, holding his arms out to help me. "(Name), be careful. You might...." My right foot slip on the ice and I was tumbling back down, taking Bernard down with me again.

Only this time I was the on my back, whiles Bernard fell on top of me. "Mmmmmmm maybe ice skating isn't for me." I said, wishing the ice would just melt so I can sink into the water, and get away from all this weird awkwardness that's surrounding Bernard and I now.

Bernard laugh, placing his hand on either side my shoulder, to lift himself off of me. "Maybe we should call it a day." He said, making me laugh. "Yeah, maybe we should." Bernard look down at me stunned, making me frown. "What?"

"Nothing I uh..." Bernard shook his head and smile. "I just never heard you laugh before." I open my mouth to respond, but paused realizing just how long it's been since I genuinely laugh. Mom was still alive was the last time I remember being happy enough to laugh. Has it really been that long?

Being with Bernard makes me so happy that I'm able to laugh again? How? What is it about him that puts me at easy. That makes me feel like I'm walking on air?! It doesn't making anything sense!

"Yeah..." I finally said, making my face heat up again, but this time it wasn't out of embarrassment. "It feels good." I said, smiling a little. Bernard smile back with one corner of his lip being higher than the other. "It sounds nice." He said making me giggle, which made him smile even more.

I return home that evening, entering my room and pausing at my desk where the neatly wrap present sat. My eyes moved to the drawer where I stuff the ribbons from January. I couldn't get Bernard out of my head, I just picture that smile of his and... I get all weird and happy.

I took a seat at my desk, pulling open the drawer to take out the ribbons and other present inside. I took a pieces of ribbon and begin wrapping it around one of the presents. Trying to tie a neat bow around it, once more. For that crazy elf that I find myself crazy about.

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