An Elf At Graduation

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Today was the day, I was graduating! Finally I was free from the academic prison.... only to get trap into another prison evolving Christmas. Hmm... still better than school, at least there's no one to make me feel bad just by giving me a bad grade.

I walk into the hallway bathroom, flipping on the light to start my morning bathroom routine. I glance at myself in the mirror, as I went towards the shower, only to come to a sudden halt. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath. "Please don't let that be what I think it was." I said softly to myself, as I turn myself towards the mirror again. I open my eyes to see my reflection, and freaked. "AAAAAAAHHHH!!"

"What?!" I heard Dad yelled, as he feet thud on the floor. "What's wrong?" He asked, appearing in the doorway of the bathroom. We both turn to look at each other and screamed. "YOUR EARS!" He screamed pointing at me. "YOUR FACE!" I screamed, pointing at his face as a beard magically appeared on his face. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" So now I have pointy ears, just like an elf. And of ALL the days they had to appear, it had to be on my graduation day!

Since I had pointy ears, I wore earmuffs at graduation, so no one could see them. Some stare at me, but it was better than them asking what happen to my ears over night. When the ceremony and all the photos were done and such, I met up with Dad, Charlie, Laura, and Neil outside the building.

"(Name), congratulations." Laura said, as she hugged me. "How come your wearing earmuffs?" Charlie asked me. "I don't wanna talk about it." I said, in a gloomy tone. "She got a stung by a bee. Turns out she's allergic. You do not want to see her ears, they are not pretty." Dad said, coming up with a pretty lousy lie.

"Oh you poor thing. And before graduation too?" Laura said, reaching her hand towards my earmuffs to remove them. But I jerk my head away and step back, to get away from her. "Look it fine. I'll just wear earmuffs for the rest of my life."

"Did you really get stung by a bee? Or are you just hiding your elf ears?" Charlie asked me, the adults roll their eyes while I glared down at my brothers. "Charlie, I thought we talk about this." Neil said. "But Dad's already changing into Santa. (Name), has to be turning into an elf too!"

"You know what? I'm gonna go for a walk." I said turning on my heels and walking off in one direction. "But what about lunch?" Dad asked, as I continue to walk away. "I'll meet you at the restaurant." I said back, pushing by way through a crowd, to get myself away from Charlie and his obsession with Dad & I.

When I made it to the end of the crowd, I push myself out of the sea of people and stumbled right into someone. "I'm sorr..." I stopped myself, noticing the person I bump into was Bernard, who was smiling down at me. "Congratulations (Nam-)..."

"You!" I grab Bernard by his wrist and pulled him around a corner, away from everyone and out of sight. "Explained this now!" I said letting his arm go, to pull back one of the earmuffs to show my pointed ear.

"Oh! They finally changed, great." Bernard reply, it a way too chipper tone. I narrow my eyes at the elf, letting go of the earmuff, to recover my ear. "No, not great! This is terrible! You didn't say anything about my ears changing!"

"Actually I did. I warn you not to wear any piercings in May and kept reminding you were about to go through some changes." Bernard explained. "But you were never specific! My ears becoming pointy, is something you SHOULD BE SPECIFIC ABOUT!"

Bernard closed one eye, flinching back slightly at my voice raising. "Yes..." He said opening his eye again, and place his hands behind his back. "Perhaps I should have been more clear on that. But it's not a bad thing, (Name). It's actually a wonderful honor."

"There's nothing wonderful about this! Everyone here will think I'm a freak if they see these! And what about aging?" I asked. "....Aging?" Bernard asked. "You said you were sixteen when you got turn into an elf and got to stay that way forever, right?" I asked, Bernard stared at me for a moment before nodding. "Does that mean..."

"Yes, you will no longer age from now on. As long as you do not perished from anything else, death of old age is no longer a problem for you. Congratulations Snowbell, you're an elf."

I took a step back in shock, placing my hand on the wall of the building to keep myself from falling. Pointy ears is one thing, but getting told I'll live forever... that's just... I... I don't even know how to feel about that. I mean... I'm gonna watch Dad and Charlie age and die... and I won't be able to do it. I'll be... all alone.

My vision got dark and my leg gave out under me, sending me crashing onto the ground. "(Name)!" I heard Bernard's voice echo before I slip into unconsciousness.

"....(Name)? .......(Name)? ..........(Name)?" I let out a groan and open my eyes to see I was back in my room, in bed. With Bernard sitting next to my bed with my desk chair, looking at me worriedly. "(Name), are you alright?" He asked, scooting to the edge on the chair to get closer to me. "Oh yeah, I'm great! I just got told I'm gonna watch all my love ones age and die without me. I'm fantastic!"

Bernard bit the bottom of his lip as he stared at me with pity. "I understand. I was by my brother's side when he passed. Being an elf is an honor... but it's not an easy one. But trust me... there's no job more rewarding and fulfilling as the one you have right now."

"Hmph." I turn my head to look away from Bernard. "Maybe for you. But all this just means I'm gonna be all alone again after Dad and Charlie die." Bernard reached his hand out to grab my, getting me to look at our locker hand, then at up him. "I know... it will be hard. But I promise you. You won't be alone, I'll be here. And so will all the other elves. You will never feel alone, I promise."

I stare into Bernard's brown eyes, feeling strangely at peace now. Which made me mad. How can I be at peace with the idea of watching my love one's age and die without me? I yank my hand away and turn over on my side, with my back facing Bernard. "I don't want to talk about this anymore."

I heard Bernard let out a sigh, before I heard him stand up and push my desk chair back to it's spot. "I'll come see you another time then... I know you don't believe me right now. But trust me, (Name). You will love being an elf." I turn to look at Bernard, only to see he disappeared leaving behind glittery dust. "Hmph." I turn back on my side, angrily staring at the wall.

(Hey Guys I'm in a bit pickle. As you probably guessed there's a chapter for each month. I've have almost all of them written and ready to be published except for two. August and October. I've been trying to think up a something for Y/N and Bernard to do and bond over but I can not for life of me think of anything. So if you have any idea or anything you like to see these two do to get closer let me know. I'm open to all suggested. If I'm unable to write anything for either month I'll just have to skip over them.)

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