It Was Just A Dream

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"(Name)! (Name)! Wake up, sleepy! Come on, get up!" I heard Charlie's voice call before I felt him jump on top of me, shaking me awake. "Come on, (Name) come on! See all the neat toys!"

"Stop shaking me, Charlie." I groan, turning over. "Come on, get up, get up!" He cried, grabbing my blanket and pulling it off. "Okay." I said sleepily, turning on my back and rubbing my eye. "Come on, it's Christmas morning." Charlie told me, before he bounce out of my room. "Great." I said in a dry tone, letting out a yawn. "Come on, (Name), let's go!" He cried from down the hall.

"Just started without me." I said climbing out of bed and stretching. I started scratching my back when I felt the fabric of my clothes were different. I look down at my clothes to see they weren't my normal bed clothes. Instead it was green slick pajamas.

I stare down at my outfit in confusion, pulling on the end of the shirt. I then notice a little charm around my neck and held it up to see it was a little Christmas ornament. As I stare at the little charm the memories of last night came flooding back to me.

Dead Santa, reindeer, sleigh, elves, the North Pole... no way all that was real. It had to be some weird dream right? Yeah, it must be! I'd probably had these old things laying around and didn't know it till now. Yeah, that makes more sense than flying to the North Pole in only a couple minutes.

I walked downstairs into the living room, where I found Charlie tearing into the presents under the tree. "Where's Dad?" I asked, taking a seat on the sofa. "I heard him go outside." Charlie answered, as he continued tearing through the wrapping of the present. "Outside? Why would he go outside?"

Almost immediately after I asked that, I heard the front door open and closed. Dad appeared from the hallway, coming over and falling down into the sofa, next to me. He was also wearing slick pajamas, only his were red.

Dad exhale as he place his hand on his chest. "Are you okay, Dad?" Charlie asked, getting up and walking over to us. "Yeah. Just fine, just fine." Dad answered. "Are you having a heart attack? I know CPR."

"No, I was just..." Dad look down at his pajamas, pulling on the fabric to see the initials on it. "S.C." He read out loud. "Yeah, Santa Claus. Hey. Same initials as your name, Dad. Scott Calvin." Charlie said, pointing at the letters on his pajamas.

Dad and I stare at Charlie hard, when we heard the doorbell ring, causing Charlie to run into the hallway. "What?" Dad asked, looking at the initials. He then turn his head to look at me, and stare at my pajamas. "Where did you get those?" He asked, causing me to look down at my outfit for moment. "I... don't really know." Dad and I stare at each other, not saying a word.

"Oh, Charlie! Merry Christmas, honey. Did you have a good time?" We heard Laura asked from the hallway. Dad stood and headed into the hall, with one of Charlie's new toys. "Great time! The best!" Charlie said, running back into the living room to pack his things. "Great."

Dad and Laura stood by the doorway of the living while they wait for Charlie. "Morning (Name). Did you have a good Christmas Eve?" Laura asked me. I look down at my pajamas again, playing with the charm around my neck. "It was... different." I answered, Laura nodded. "Oh? Well that's good."

Laura then look at Dad, who look just as confused as I was. "Scott, nice P.J.s. Very festive. Where'd you get them?" She asked. "....I don't know." Dad answered. "Judy gave them to you." Charlie told him. "Judy. Really." Laura said with a nod. "Who?" Dad asked. "Up at the North Pole."

"Ah. One of Santa's little helpers." Laura said with a smile. "No, Mom. There's only one Little Helper and it's (Name)." Charlie said, causing me to squint my eyes. How could he know I was some... Little Helper? That was a dream. It was just a dream! "Oh really?" Laura asked, looking at me surprised. "I am?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"Yeah! Last night, Dad, (Name), and me went with the flying reindeer. It was really neat, Mom. Dad was Santa, (Name) was his Little Helper, and Larry showed me the workshop. You know, where they make all the toys?" Charlie explained, poking some holes into my dream theory. "Gee, thanks for keeping his feet on the ground." Laura said to Dad. "You bet."

"Honey, you go wait in the car for a minute. I'll be right there." Laura said to Charlie when he was finished packing his stuff. "Merry Christmas." Dad said to Charlie, kissing him on the head. "Bye, Dad. Bye, (Name). Thanks for a great night at the North Pole." Charlie said, heading to the door while the adults chuckle.

"So... What have you been telling him?" Laura asked Dad. "Nothing. It's just... I had this really strange dream and I must've told him all about it. Wait." Dad then left after Charlie, leaving Laura in the hallway.

"Hm. Must have been some dream. Did he tell you about it, (Name)?" Laura asked, turning to look at me. I stood up walking towards her while I play with the charm. "No. I had the same dream." I said. "You did?" Laura asked. "Yeah... at least I think I did."

"That's a cute charm. Who gave it to you?" Laura asked. I look down at the charm and the memories of Bernard came flooding back to me. "Maybe it wasn't a dream." I said quietly to myself. "What's that?" Laura asked, but I ignored her and went to the door, quickly putting my shoes and running outside to confront Charlie.

"About what you said in the house... Who showed you the workshop?" Dad asked Charlie as I came running over. "The elf." Charlie answered. "Hi, (Name). Nice pajamas. Scott did, you get them at same store?" Neil asked.

"No. Judy gave Dad his pajamas and she probably gave (Name) her pajamas too." Charlie explained, as Laura came out to join us. "Oh, wait, wait. Judy was the name of the waitress at the restaurant last night." Dad told Charlie. "Some waitress gave you and your daughter pajamas?" Laura asked.

"Charlie wait, who was the first so call elf we met last night?" I asked him. "Bernard. The other elves told me, he likes you." Charlie answered, causing my face to heat up. "Oh? (Name) got herself a boyfriend?" Laura asked in a teasing tone. "No, I didn't!" I barked back.

"What's this all about?" Neil asked. "Dad took us to the North Pole, and Larry showed me the workshop." Charlie answered. "The North Pole!" Neil said, looking at Dad and I.

"Yeah. Dad's the new Santa and (Name) is his Little Helper. The regular Santa fell off the roof and Dad put on the suit, then (Name) put on an elf hat and help Dad deliver the presents." Charlie explained.

"Oh? And here I thought (Name) hated Christmas." Laura said, smiling at me. "I do. I don't even know how anything that happen last night, happen." I said, fiddling with the charm again. "Charlie, we'll discuss this at home." Neil said, and both he and Laura chuckle.

Dad closed Charlie's door, as Neil and Laura get into the car. "The clause. The Santa Clause." Dad said quietly to himself. He look at me then back at the car as Neil starts to drive them away. "It's just a dream. Stuff like that doesn't happen. It was a dream! Come on!" We walk back to the stairs, as Dad continued to call out to the car. "I don't even wear pajamas. Normally I sleep naked. BUCK NAKED! HA!"

Right as Dad said that, Mrs. McGloin was walking by with her daughter. "Morning, Mrs. McGloin. Mary Catherine." Dad said to them, as Mrs. McGloin started walking faster with her daughter. "Eyes front, Mary Catherine!"

I walk up the stairs with Dad right behind me. "Sometimes boxer shorts. You know." Dad said to Mrs. McGloin as he chuckles. We enter the house and walk back into the living room, looking at the left over presents under the tree.

"We agree everything that happen last night was all a dream. Right?" Dad asked me. "Of course." I answered, with no hesitation. "Good. Great." Dad let out a heavy sigh. "I need coffee." He walked to the kitchen, to make himself a cup.

I look back at the tree, seeing a something sparkle under the tree. I walk over to the tree, kneeling down to see a medium size box in the box, with the ribbon sparkling.

I pull out the box, reading the tag. 'To: Snowbell.' I stare at the tag, picturing Bernard in my head again. I untied the ribbon and pull off the wrapping, to open the box and find... That damn Elf Hat from last night. In a panic I put the top back on, so I could no longer see it.

Last night was a dream. There's no such thing as Santa, or Elves, or the North Pole, or flying Reindeer, or Bernard. It was all just a dream!

The Santa Clause: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now