Life's No Fun Without A Good Scare

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I stick my tongue out as I carefully painted a toy Bernard had handed me. I've had to repaint toys here and there, over the past few months. When we first started, my paint jobs were a disaster. Like it would have been better off not putting a new coat of paint on it.

But overtime Bernard kept making me paint more and more toys and eventually I started to get the hang of. It's no masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination. But the toys at least look pleasing, so that's all that matters.

Once done, I smiled at my work and set the toy down to dry. "Not bad, Snowbell. I think this is a skill we can cross off the list." Bernard said, looking the toy over. "Good, cause I'm getting a little tired of getting painted under my nails." I said, getting up and walking to the sink to wash up.

"By the way (Name), I was wondering if you would like too..." Bernard strolled over, looking down and grabbing the strap of his satchel, nervously. "You know... spend more time together. Since we finished early." He said raising his head to look at me. "Oh yeah! That's sounds great. What do you want to do?"

"Oh uh... I actually didn't think about that. What would you like to do?" I turn off the faucet and started drying my hands as I thought on it. "Uh... we could..." Right at that moment the phone ranged. "Hold on." I walked over to the phone on the wall, grabbing it off the hook and holding it up to my ear. "Hello?"

"(Name), hi. It's Laura uh... is you're father home?" Laura asked on the other end. "No, he's at work. Do you need him?" I asked. "No. No this is actually good uh... you see something came up and I can't take Charlie trick-or-treating. Neil has a lot of patients today so he can't take him either. I was wondering if you could take Charlie out for me."

"Really? I thought you didn't trust me to look after him." I said, a bit sarcastically. "I never said I didn't trusted you. I just... rather have your father watch him." Laura explained. "Uh-Huh." I said in a dry tone. Still kind of sounds like she didn't trust me. "But with your father's... bizarre changes. I don't want... what I mean is, I would feel better if you were the one with him instead."

"Hang on." I pull the phone down to speak with Bernard. "Charlie's Mom wants me to take him trick-or-treating." I explained to the elf. "Oh? That sounds nice. Mind if I come along?" He asked, looking eager. "You want go trick-or-treating?" I asked, finding the idea of a Christmas elf celebrating Halloween funny. It's like Nightmare Before Christmas but reversed.

"I never got to experiences the holiday, so it would be nice to see what it's all about. Plus I get to spend time with you and Charlie. So, I say it should be rather nice." Bernard explained, making me smile. I held the phone back up to my ear to give Laura my answer. "Sure, I'll take him trick-or-treating."

Bernard and I walked up to Laura house's to pick up Charlie. I put on earmuffs on over my ears, while Bernard kept his ears on in the open. I guess if anyone see him they'll just think he's wearing a costume.

I knock on the door and not long after Laura open up, wrap up in her coat. "Thank you so much, (Name)! Come in, Charlie should be ready soon." Laura let us inside, taking notice of Bernard. "Oh, who is this?" She asked. "This is my friend, Bernard."

"Hello ma'am." Bernard said holding out his hand and shaking her's. "Hello. I'm sorry I can't stay and chat but I really must go. Charlie will be down shortly." Laura hurry over to the stairs to grab her purse. "Charlie! (Name) and her friend are here to take you trick-or-treating. You be a good boy, okay."

"I will." Charlie yelled from upstairs while Laura rushed back over to the door. "Thank you again, (Name)." She told me, before she open the door and left. I turn to Bernard to say something to him, but he was gone. I look at the ground to see there's no glitter which meant he was probably somewhere else in the house.

The Santa Clause: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now