Ok But Like... Find You Someone Who Looks At You The Way Bernard Looks At Santa

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With summer soon coming to an end, it dawned on me I'll probably never get to enjoy the heat or activities ever again since I'll be moving to the North Pole. So, I decided to go to the beach one last time. I put on my swimsuit, then a shirt and shorts on over that. I look in the mirror, frowning at my pointy ears, before I grab my earmuffs to put them on.

Now that I'm dressed and ready to go, I grabbed my bag of beach supplies and walked outside, towards the bus stop. "Where are we off to, today?" I heard Bernard asked, before he appeared walking next to me. Normally I would get scared by him just popping up out of nowhere... but I think I've gotten so used to it that it just doesn't even phase me anymore.

"I was just going to the beach. But I can go back if you had lesson plan for today." I said, coming to a stop. "Oh no, I uh..." Bernard turn away, rubbing the back of his neck. "I actually didn't have anything planned for today. I..." He clears his throat and smiles. "I just wanted to see you."

I immediately blushed. "Oh." He came all this way just to see me? I mean, I know he can just teleport... but it still makes me feel real special. "Would you like to go to the beach with me?" I asked, with a hopeful smile.

"I actually don't do summer activities. I am an elf after all, hot weather doesn't really agree with me." Bernard explained, causing me to frown in disappointment. "Oh... okay." Bernard glance over at me, then immediately looked away. "Then again... it wouldn't kill me. So, I think I will tag along."

I brighten up again, grinning ear to ear. "Great! Let's go!" I started walking towards the bus stop again, with Bernard behind me walking at a slower pace. "Oh boy." I heard him mumbled to himself. "Are you alright?" I asked, glancing back at him. "Oh, yes I'm fine... just fine."

We took the bus to the beach where we picked out a spot in the sand. Laying out a beach towel, I drop my bag down and took off my shirt and shorts, leaving me in my swimsuit. "Uh..." I turn towards Bernard, who stared at me with his jaw drop. "What's the matter?" I asked, dropping my shirt on my bag.

"I... I..." Bernard quickly covered his eyes, turning away. "NOTHING!" I blink a couple times before I glances down at myself. Realizing what he's so uptight about, I laugh. "Bernard, it's okay. It's just a swimsuit. It's not even a skimpy one."

"I'm not used to seeing that much skin, okay?! Let alone on a woman." Bernard said, kneeling down in the sand as he continue to cover his eyes. "Would it make you feel better if I had my shirt on?" I asked. "Please." I giggle shaking my head and picking my shirt back up to put it on. He's so adorably modest.

With me covered up again, we started doing typical beach activities. Like me swimming while Bernard stays back on the towel cause he doesn't have any swimwear. Makes sandcastle... at least that that was idea. Bernard on the other hand made like a mini New York out of the sand. Where do Elves get their creativity?

After the sand building I notice Bernard wasn't looking all that happy. "Hey, are you okay? Ever since we got here you haven't been looking too good." I said to the elf who wiped his forehead. "I'm fine... it's just really hot out."

"Yeah..." I said, rubbing my hand on my neck to get the sweat off. "It's supposed to be cooler out today. Yet it feels like it's 90°." I said, dropping my hand. "Oh, that's normal. Part of your elf transformation is you're body adjusting to cold weather. So, hot weather will bother you more than most."

"Oh, now you tell me!" I said, throwing a hand up in the air. "I thought I was dying!" I said, causing Bernard to laugh. "I know... I should've mentioned that earlier." I let out a sigh, shaking my head and walking back over to my stuff to gather them up. "Well, let's head back before we both melt away."

With my stuff packed up, we sat at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to come around again. "If you knew the weather was going to bother you, why did you come with? I would've understand if you just told me." I said, turning my head towards Bernard who sat next to me.

"I know but..." Bernard look down, grabbing the fabric of his pants, nervously. "I just uh... when I first turned you down you looked sad, so I wanted to make you happy." He admitted, turning his head away from me. "Yeah but... I would've gotten over it."

"I... I like your smile and I wanted to see it more. Even if I had to do something I don't quite enjoy, I wouldn't mind because it would you smile." I stared at Bernard stunned.

He just wanted to make me, smile? Me of all people? The girl who's been yelling at him and been cranky for months! Either he really hit his head somewhere... or he's the sweetest guy on the planet.

"You did?" I asked, blushing and smiling. Bernard turn his head to look at me, pausing for a moment to stare before he smiled as well. "Yeah... your uh... your smile is really pretty." I look down, letting out a giggle that made Bernard laugh. "And so is your laugh."

"Yeah, I remember you telling me that." I smile bashfully, playing with the ends of my wet shirt. "Listen since you uh... you put up with the heat for me. How about we do something you enjoy when we get back to the house."

"We don't have to do that." Bernard said, I raised my head to look at him. "No, I want to do something you enjoy. I wanted to see you smile more too." Bernard crook his smile, so one corner of his lip was raised higher than the other. "To be honest I don't have many things I enjoy to do. I've always been about work."

"Well..." I look forward as I scooted closer to him, before locking eyes once again. "We could figure that out together then." I suggested. "Hmmm." Bernard scooted closer as well, so we were now shoulder to shoulder, knee to knee. "I like that sound of that."

The Santa Clause: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now