Saying Goodbye To Charlie

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Dad, Charlie, and I return to Laura's house, to not only get back to our stuff but also to return Charlie to where he belongs. "Mom? Mom! Neil? I'm home!" Charlie announced, taking off his jacket and tossing it on the sofa.

Not a second later, Neil appeared in the dinning room. "Charlie?" He ran to the boy, dropping to knees to hug him. "Charlie?" Laura appeared next and ran to join in on the hug. Dad stop for a moment, to admire the sight of them being reunited. "Oh, my God, Charlie! Charlie. Sweetheart. Oh, God. Come here, come here. Oh, my boy. Oh, sweetheart. My boy, you're home! I missed you so much. How are you?"

"I'm fine, Mom." Charlie told her, as Dad and I retrieve our hats that we lost earlier. "Are you okay? Look at me. Charlie, I missed you, honey." Laura told Charlie, giving him multiple kisses. "Mom, I'm fine. It's okay." Hearing sirens outside, Dad peek out the window to see how close the police are. "I was so worried." Laura told her son. "Mom, put me down. Stop kissing me."

"We don't have a lot of time." Dad told them, breaking up the reunion. Laura set Charlie down and he walk over to Dad and I. "Did you leave the gifts I made under the tree?" He asked. "You bet we did." Dad answered, petting his head.

"We better go." Charlie said, walking towards the chimney. "No, Charlie. No, no, no. No! Wait, Charlie." Laura said, speed walk over to us, but Dad held up his hand to stop her. "It's okay, Laura." Dad then look down at Charlie. "Actually, I... I think it's a much better idea that you stay here with your Mom and Neil."

"Really?" Laura asked, surprised by this. "But, Dad..." Charlie said. "No buts, Charlie. I can't be selfish. I can't be with ya all the time. We're a family. You, me, (Name), your Mom..." Dad paused, looking over at Neil, who looked down. The two of them have never seen eye to eye, so I guess he expected Dad to not consider him family. But Dad not the same man he was before. "...And Neil. And they need to be with ya, too."

"I miss you too much." Charlie wept, burying his face in Dad's coat as he hugged him, sobbing. "Come here a minute." Dad guided Charlie to the sofa, where he handed me his hat and sat down, looking Charlie in the eye."Listen to me. Come on, listen. There's a lot of kids out there. Okay? Millions of kids. They all believe in me. They're counting on me, Charlie. I'm not gonna let 'em down. I got a lot of work to do. And the only one that is able to help me is your sister."

"So, I can't be selfish either." Charlie asked, with sorrowful eyes and a pouty lip. "You gave me a wonderful gift. Listen, a wonderful gift. You believed in me when nobody else did. You helped make me Santa. Selfish? Come on. You're the least selfish person I know."

Charlie fell into Dad, wrapping his arms around him for a hug. "I love you, Santa Claus." Charlie said, as he started sobbing again. "I love you, son." Dad said, and started shushing to calm him down. "It's okay. Okay. It's okay."

Laura and I smile at heart warming sight before us. Charlie managed to calm down and Dad pull him away, wiping his tears and picking him up to sit in his lap. "Laura, what do you think? Christmas Eve you guys spend with Charlie?"

"Oh, my God." Laura said, shaking her head as she begins to cry as well. "It's you. It really is you. You really are.... Santa Claus." She said, smiling. "Pretty cool, huh?" Dad asked. "Oh, my God." Neil said dropping his head in disappointment. "And your parents thought I'd never amount to anything." Dad said with a chuckle.

Dad pick up Charlie, setting him on the floor so he could stand up. "Wait. Don't go yet. I have something for you." Laura said, she then turn and left the room, stopping next to Neil for a second. "It's Santa." She whisper with excitement, before she went upstairs.

I handed Dad back his hat and hugged Charlie. "You'll take care of him, right?" Charlie asked as we hugged making me chuckle. "Hey, I've been doing it since the day I was born." I said, ruffling Charlie's hair. "I think that's supposed to be the other way around." Dad commented, making us both laugh.

"Scott." Neil said, getting the three of us to look at him. "Neil." Dad said back. Neil walk over to us, staring hard at Dad, before his eyes widen in shock. "Santa?" Dad smiles at him. "It's okay, Neil."

Neil spun around, running his hand through his hair as he walked away. Laura reappears around the corner, holding a folder in her hand. "Here. It's... Well, it's... It's my Christmas present for you. It's the custody papers." Laura took the folder and toss it in the fireplace, destroying them.

"And I want you to come and see Charlie as often as you can." She told him, turning to smile at me. "(Name), is right. A Father should be able to see his son, without a piece of paper telling him if he can or not!" I smile and look down at Charlie who smiled back at me. "You can count on it. Thanks, Laura. Merry Christmas." Dad said, as Laura pick Charlie up to hold him

"What's all this boo-hooing going on here?" Bernard asked, appearing in the hallway eating something. When Neil notice the elf, he back up into the wall, startled. "Hey, how ya doing?" Bernard asked him, stopping in the doorway of the living. "It's nothing, Bernard. We're just saying goodbye to Charlie." Dad told him.

"What goodbye? You still got the glass ball, right?" Bernard asked, my brother. "Yeah." Charlie answered. "Well, all you got to do is shake it whenever you want to see your Dad or sister." Bernard told him. "Really?" Charlie asked. "They can come back to see you anytime, day or night. Hey, have I ever steered ya wrong?" Charlie smiles and shook his head.

Bernard then turn his head, to look at Neil, noticing his sweater. "Nice sweater. Hey, did we make this?" He asked, going to check the tag on Neil's sweater. "Laura. He's sucking us into his delusions. Look at the elaborate measures he's taken." Neil said, taking the food away from Bernard just as he was about to take another bite.

"Neil, relax." Laura said, causing Neil to take his eyes off of Bernard to look at her. The second Neil looked away, Bernard disappeared leaving behind glittery dust, that fell to the floor. "I'll explain it to you later." Laura told him, Neil turn his head to look at Bernard only to discover he's gone. "Where'd he go?" He then ran off to search the house for an elf that's probably back at the North Pole already.

Dad and I went back up the chimney to get back to our sleigh, just as the police arrived to arrested us again. The neighborhood kids and adults gathered in front of the house again, seeing the sleigh in all it's glory as Dad flew us in front of the house. "Santa Claus!" "Santa." "Look!" "What is it?" "Oh, wow!" "Up there. Do you see it?"

"Goodbye, Charlie." Dad and I said to my brother who smiled up at us. "Bye, Dad! Bye, (Name)!" He said waving at us. "Merry Christmas to all! And to all a good night!" Dad flew away only to turn us around and fly us right back. "Look our below!" I announced, before I drop gifts down to the three of them. Right as we started to leave, it begin to snow completely this magical moment.

Dad and I continue on our route when we suddenly got a feeling we were needed. Gotta be that Snow Globe thing, Bernard told Charlie about. So, Dad had to turn the sleigh around just as we were heading to Cleveland. When we made it back to Charlie's house, Dad took the sack down while I kept the sleigh steady. "Hey, Sport!" Dad said on his way down. "Dad!"

"You miss us already? We've been gone, what? Ten minutes? Give us a break. We were on our way to Cleveland. Come here and give me a hug." Charlie ran over to hug Dad, who picked him up. "Do you want to go for a quick ride?" He then asked Charlie. "Yeah!"

"Of course, it's up to your Mom." Dad said, looking over at Laura. "Please, Mom." Charlie said, probably giving her the puppy dog eyes. Laura smiles and shook her head. "Go on. Get out of here."

"All right. Hold on. On our way." The sack started carrying them back up to me and the sleigh. "Bye, Mom!" Charlie said waving to her. "Just a quick one. And... Not over any oceans, Scott."

"Hey there, buddy." I said to Charlie helping him into the sleigh. "Hey (Name)!" Dad reclaimed his seat, taking the reins again. "Bye, Mom! Bye!" Charlie said, all three of us wave to his mother, as we flew away. "Scott. Scott! SANTA!"

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