The Gift Of Giving

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I stand in the bathroom staring at my own reflection. I pulled on the tips of my ears, letting out a groan. I get Elves are supposed to have pointy ears but why do I need them too? They just look... so odd. I can't even stand to have anyone in public see them, so I wear my earmuffs when I'm out. Which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't summer. Wearing earmuffs in this heat, is not the best idea.

I step away from the mirror letting out a sigh of defeat and exited the bathroom, nearly bumping into Bernard. "Jesus!" I yelp, backing up. "I'm not disturbing you am I?" He asked, holding a wrap gift under his arm. "No... not really. What's the objective today?" I asked, in a tired tone.

"Something real simple." Bernard said, handing me the present he was holding. "We're delivering a gift." He answered, with a smile. "Delivering? But Christmas is 6 months away."

"Not a Christmas gift. It's Kevin's birthday, he's the grandson of our last Santa. So, we're going over to his house to give this to him." Bernard said, leading the way downstairs. "What is it?" I asked, looking at the box as I started to follow him down. "You'll see when he opens it."

We headed up to Winnetka in the neighborhood with all the real expensive big houses. Finally stopping in front of a ginormous house, the look more like a palace than a house. "Geez this kid must be loaded." I commented as we walked up the circular driveway. "His parents do well for themselves. Unfortunately he's missing one thing."

"In a place like these, how can he be missing anything?" I asked walking up the steps to the door way. Bernard smiles at me for a moment and ringed the doorbell. A few seconds go by and the door is open by a little boy. "Bernard!" The boy said with excitement, running into the elf, who kneel down for a hug. "Hiya, Rascal! Happy Birthday!"

"I knew you remember!" The boy said pulling away from the hug. "Mom and Dad busy again?" Bernard asked him. "Yeah, they're at work. Megan and Linnie are at the mall, Jeff at the arcade and Buzz with his girlfriend." The boy explained nonchalantly. "Wait... they just left you Home Alone on your birthday?" I asked the boy.

The boy looked up at me and shrugged. "I'm used to it. Besides I'm not alone, my best friend here, she's in the tv room." The boy explained, before he looked at Bernard again. "Who she?" He asked, pointing up at me.

"Kevin this is my friend (Name), who's an Elf in training. (Name), this is Kevin McCallister, the grandson of the last Santa Claus." Bernard explained, standing up as he introduced us. "Nice to meet you, (Name)." Kevin said holding out his hands. "Nice to meet you too, Kevin.... Sorry about your grandpa."

"It's alright. He said it was time to pass on the coat and that he had someone perfect in mind." Kevin then grab Bernard's hand and pull him into the house, leaving me stun. Wait... the last Santa had someone in mind? Did he fall off the roof on purpose?!

I follow the pair into the mansion, that seem to be even bigger on the inside. Kevin guided us to the back of the house, where a little girl around Kevin's age sat, watching the Lion King. "Hey there, Cutie." Bernard said to the girl, who turn her head to look at him. Once she laid eyes on Bernard, her face got bright red and she quickly looked away again.

Kevin appeared next to me, grabbing the edge of shirt and tugging on it. I kneel down to his level so he could whisper to me. "She likes him." He said, making me smile. "Oh, does she now?" I asked. "Yeah... it's not fair." Kevin said, looking down. "Why's that?" I asked him. "Cause I like her." The boy answered in a sad tone that made my heart melt.

"Well lucky for you, Bernard is waaaay to old for her. Just give it time, I'm sure she'll come around." I said, making Kevin smile a little. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah." I ruffled the boy's hair and stood back up. "Here's your birthday present by the way." I said, handing him the box.

Kevin eagerly took the box and ran over to his friend to sit next to her as he ripped into the wrapping. After tearing off the wrapping, Kevin open the box to finding another box inside, designer look like a spaceship with a toy inside. "A Buzz Lightyear! No way!" Kevin pull out the box, holding it up like it was baby Simba.

"I heard you wrote to your Grandfather that you really wanted one. But we couldn't give you a toy that wasn't out yet." Bernard told Kevin, putting his hands behind his back and smiling at the boy. "This is great! Thank you so much Bernard!" Kevin toss the toy aside to run over to Bernard and hug him.

Once he was done hugging Bernard, Kevin ran over to me, to hug me as well. "Thank you, (Name)! You're the best!" I stood there, a little stunned by this. Kevin let me go and ran back to his Space Ranger toy, to set him free from the box. I remain standing there, unsure how to feel.

Saying our goodbyes to the kids, Bernard and I left, to walk back to my house. "You're sure it's okay, to leave them by themselves?" I asked, glancing back at the house as we walked down the side walk. "They are the last kids you need to worry about, being by themselves."

I look up at Bernard for a moment, then look ahead, still thinking back to what happen earlier. "Something the matter, (Name)?" Bernard asked me. "He was so happy." I said quietly. "Well shouldn't he? It is his birthday after all and he got the toy he wanted."

"Yeah he did. He got the toy he wanted and it made him happy and he was so grateful. This shouldn't be a big deal but... yet I can't stop thinking about the look on his face when he open the box. Or how he ran over to hug you and I. Why can't I stop thinking about it?" I asked, looking up at Bernard who smirks.

"What happen back there... is exactly why Christmas and Santa exist. There are kids that are born into families that don't have very much money. Santa is able to give them a present they wanted, that their parents aren't able to give them. Then there are kids, like Kevin who are born into families that ignore them. Santa is able to make them feel heard and acknowledge, by giving them the present they asked for. Giving gifts to children and making them so happy, is what makes Christmas, Christmas.

"Hmph... and here I thought Christmas is only about getting free stuff. I guess..." I look down and shrugged. "I guess I just forgot how happy Christmas used to make me." I felt Bernard's hand drop on my shoulder, getting me to look up at him again. "It's normal. As kids get older, their love for the holidays starts to leave. They feel as though, Christmas is no longer as magical as it was when they were kids."

"That's one way of putting it." I said, glancing at Bernard's hand on my shoulder, feeling my stomach get all weird again. "So. Has your opinion on Christmas change at all?" Bernard asked, getting me to take my eyes of his hand to lock eyes with him.

Bernard smiles down at me, and I felt my chest tighten up. "Hmmm." I look forward again, trying to ignore the weird feelings I get when I'm around him. "I guess Christmas isn't so bad. I can't say I'm a fan but... I get now." Bernard laughs at my answer, taking his hand off my shoulder. "Just give it time. It'll grow on you again."

(Thank you guys, so much you're suggestions last chapter! Thanks to you guys I now have all the chapters written out and ready to go. So to celebrate you'll get an update every day for this story now, leading up to Christmas and after! Merry Christmas everyone! Thank you so much for you help. ;)

(Oh and for anyone new that might be confused on why Kevin McCallister is here with a friend. This cameo is more for my old followers that read a Home Alone story I had on my old Wattpad account before it got banned.)

The Santa Clause: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now