Greatest Treasure

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Y/n arrived at Hermione's dorm since the two had a schedule to sleep over at their dorm, and when Y/n went inside, there was no Hermione but only a sleeping Crookshanks.

She petted Crookshanks as he continued to his dreamland.

Y/n just came from the quidditch since the quidditch season will start next week, but as she trained at the pitch, she accidentally sprained her ankle due to lack of exercise last summer because she spent her entire summer at her cousin's house, helping him with his magical creatures.

She suddenly felt a lump in her throat, so she calledTwinkiee, an elf who is a friend of Y/n.

"Twinkie has called by Ms. Y/n! Does Ms. Y/n need food? Is Ms. Y/n hungry?" Twinkie asked Y/n while smiling at her as she asked her, but Y/n declined that she was not hungry

"I'm not hungry twinkie but I would rather want some water," She asked nicely to twinkie, who is eagerly wanted to take a glass of pitcher to her friend.

"Twinkie will get Ms. Y/n a pitcher!" As she apparated out of the room, Y/n went to the bathroom to shower because she stinks due to the training, and she doesn't like to smell bad. After showering, she changed to her pj's and went outside the bathroom but still no Hermione.

The pitcher was on top of Hermione's set of books. She knew it was her favourite one since she always organized them after reading them a thousand times and cared for them like a baby.

Y/n was about to take the pitcher somewhere far away from Hermione's favourite books, but she lost her balance because of her sprained ankle, which was the cause of the mess she was facing right now. Y/N accidentally soaked the books with water, Y/n fixed it with the drying charm, but it was no use because how much of water is absorbed, the inks were now scattered all over the pages, and the book cover was soaked. She put the pitcher on the side table as well as the water goblet.

When she cleaned the mess up, Y/n stood up and waited for Hermione. She tried to resist looking at her soaked books, and she felt guilty every time looking at them. She feels awful about it.

The door swung open as Hermione looked at Y/n and closed the door, and smiled at her as Y/n stood waiting for her.

"Hi, my love, how was your training?" She asked her and kissed Y/n on her lips. Y/n tried to talk to her, but she couldn't give a single word out because she knew Hermione would be mad at her, and she was willing to replace all of her books. She put her school bag down and gasped, coming out from her lips.

"My books!" She yelled and rushed over to her shelves and took one of her books, and the looks on her face were scary that Y/n wanted to jump at the Astronomy tower than see a ballistic Hermione.

"Mione, let me explain—"

"What did you do?!" She yelled, and Y/n flinched because Hermione's voice had venom on it.

It was the first time Y/n heard her like this. Even though how many times she scolded her because she had done something stupid, she did not yell at her. It was the first time since Y/n and Hermione started dating a year ago.

"I didn't mean to spill water at your books. I-It's just an accident, I lose my balance when I'm about to put the pitcher far away from your books, I feel terrible about it, Hermione. I'm rea—"

"Why are you so bloody clumsy Y/n?! Didn't you know that most of them are the only copies in the world? How irresponsible are you?! You should know how to be responsible enough! You know much I love these books! How much I treasure them with my whole life and now my favorite books are soaked with water! Thanks to you," She harshly said to her

Y/n looked down at the ground, fighting not to cry in front of her, and took a deep breath before speaking, but she didn't give Y/n a chance because once again, she raised her voice at


"I can't really believe this!"

"I'm sorry, okay?! I feel so terrible spilling water on your books" She tried not to crack her voice because she felt so bad about what happened. She didn't want to destroy her favourite books.

"You should be terrible!" She yelled at her again, and she tried to fight back her tears, but they could no longer hold her tears back" You've completely ruined my day!"

Y/n couldn't take it anymore, and she looked back and tried to walk out to her dorm. She tried not to limp due to her sprain on her ankle, and you looked back to Hermione, who was staring at you with her eyes furrowed and looked down at Y/n's ankle. She was taken back as she saw Y/n's sprained ankle.

"Y/n wait—"

Y/n closed the door and tried to walk to the Hufflepuff's dorm and was greeted by her roommates, they asked what happened because they saw her eyes bloodshot, but Y/n didn't mind them and closed the curtains around her bed and chanted muffliato wordlessly. She cried for a good 30 minutes because Hermione knew she didn't like to be yelled out since she's sensitive. Y/n stopped crying and buried her head at the pillows.

Seconds later, she felt an arm wrapping around Y/n's waist and her soft breathing. Meanwhile, Hermione felt so guilty for yelling at Y/n even when she knew she was a sensitive person. She felt so guilty for not asking what happened why she accidentally spilt water at her books. She felt terrible for being the reason she cried, and Hermione never raised her voice like that to Y/n even when she had done something idiotically for the past years, and her words weren't nice at all.

She knew Y/n was responsible enough, and she's not clumsy to be able to spill water. She felt her heart sink because she blamed Y/n because of what happened to her books and made her feel so terrible. Not to mention that Y/n has a sprain on her ankle. That's why she loses her balance to get the pitcher out of the bookshelves.

"Love", Hermione whispered to her softly and kissed her shoulders "Bubs, look at me... please?" Hermione pleaded as Y/n turned to her slowly, and she felt terrible. Y/n's eyes, bloodshot and teary, Hermione cupped her cheeks that had dry, stained tears.

"I-I'm sorry for spilling the water to your b-books, Mione. It's just that I had sprained ankle because of the training earlier and I calledTwinkiee to get me a glass of water after I-I showered I saw the p-pitcher at the top of your books, I tried to get the pitcher far a-away from your books b-but suddenly I lose my balance and I accidentally hit the shelves that cause to s-soaked your b-books, it was an accident, I-I promise" She explained while crying. Hermione removed the blankets and took a look at her ankle that is reddish. She mumbled a spell to heal her ankle after Hermione healed it with a Healing charm, she returned to hug Y/n; y/n mumbled a sorry couple of times

"Ssh... It's okay, bubs. I should be the one who is apologizing to you because I yelled at you and you said you didn't want to be yelled at because you're sensitive and the words that I yelled at you aren't nice and kind at all," Hermione said as she caressed Y/n's cheek "I never meant to raise my voice at you, my love. I got so frustrated and upset that my books were soaked with water and it can't use any drying charm or repairing charm and I swear to Merlin that I'll never yell at you again if you'll only look like that, my love" She kissed Y/n's eyes and nose as well as her lips. Y/n looked at her lover's eyes. It was full of sincerity and guilted.

"Still, I feel terrible for ruining your books. I'll replace them if I can find copies of those books and If I can't I'll find a spell to revert them back," Y/n softly said to Hermione, but she felt she shook her head.

"It's okay, love. It doesn't matter."

"But Mione? Those were your favorite ones, your treasures."

"I'd rather lose my books than to lose you, Y/n. You're my greatest treasure and I can't lose my greatest treasure," Hermione lovingly said to you as she brushed her lips to yours. As she pulled away, she sighed contently.

"Now that we're okay, can I get my cuddles, love?" Y/n happily cuddle Hermione at her bed

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