Big baby

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Y/N, a Slytherin student at Hogwarts, had a reputation for being terrifying. Her fellow students avoided her dark glare, fearing the anger simmering below the surface. Unknown to many, she held a soft spot for Hermione Granger, a Gryffindor and the brightest of her year.

The two young witches kept their relationship private, cherishing the secret they shared. In the corridors and classrooms of Hogwarts, they maintained a cool distance that betrayed none of their hidden feelings. However, misled by appearances, Harry and Ron had been teasing Hermione about her supposed interest in Cedric Diggory. This had left Y/N feeling jealous and sulky towards her beloved girlfriend.

They met at their secret hideaway in the astronomy tower one late afternoon, finding solace in each other's company away from prying eyes.

"Y/N," Hermione began tentatively, "why didn't you look at me once today? You completely ignored me in Potions class." Her soft but firm voice broke the silence that hung between them. Y/N couldn't hold back any longer; her feelings poured out like water breaking through an old dam.

"It just hurts so much when they tease you about being with Cedric—that stupid Hufflepuff," she complained bitterly. "I might be terrifying to everyone else, but I can't help feeling like you don't want me anymore."

Hermione stared at Y/N in disbelief before enveloping her in a warm embrace. She whispered lovingly into Y/N's ear.

"I can assure you that my love for you is unwavering," Hermione said truthfully. "You're the most beautiful girl that I've ever met. You're the first person to make me fall deeply in love with you. I love you because your eyes ensnared me with their depth, and your hair captivated me with every flowing strand. Your mind challenged and excited me, while your kindness warmed my heart. Your personality shone brightly, and it was impossible not to love you as you are. You make me a better person, baby." Y/N couldn't help but smirk at this heartfelt confession as she pulled back slightly from Hermione's grasp.

Ha! Take that, Cedric!

"As I should, because if you fell for anyone else, they would feel my wrath!" Y/N joked, trying to hide her vulnerability behind the sharp quip. Hermione laughed gently, brushing a stray strand of hair from Y/N's face. She smiled warmly at her fearsome girlfriend.

"Okay now, big baby. Come here," Hermione cooed as she pulled Y/N closer for a lingering kiss. Their deep connection washed away any remaining feelings of insecurity that had plagued Y/N earlier.

With their love affirmed in the quiet sanctuary of the astronomy tower, the two stepped back out into the bustling world of Hogwarts. They returned to their daily lives, secretly strengthened by their shared bond that would endure every challenge they would face together.

And so it went on: the terrifying yet tender Slytherin and her gentle Gryffindor love. In moments stolen from the rest of the world, their love blossomed, growing together through laughter and tears. And while others might speculate about who held Hermione's heart, one thing remained certain—the love she shared with Y/N was strong enough to weather any

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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