I needed you

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"Later, Y/N."

"I'm studying."

"I'm helping Ron with his essays."

"Can we talk later?"

It was always like that these past few weeks, she became more distant with me, and she's always with Ron, Always with him, and not with her Girlfriend. If she's not him, she'll be studying yet, making no time for us. I needed to talk to her about something but no. She chooses to say 'later,' or anything involving Ron, which later turns into weeks and more.

Y/N was quivering and shaking at the darkest part of the corridor near the north wing, and she was crying. Still grieving for her parents, who Bellatrix Lestrange murdered, she received a letter from the ministry that her parents were murdered while on a mission to find the death eaters. Nobody knew that her parents were dead because the ministry covered it up for the people not to panic, but for Y/N? it was bullshit.

"L/N—Y/N?" Y/N looked up who it was but the last person she expected to see her in her valuable state, Draco Malfoy.

He comforted Y/N when no one else did, and he was the one who listened to her cries when Hermione was laughing with Ron. At the same time, she suffered alone with Draco, who tried to understand and comfort me in my grieving for the loss of her parents and at the same time her relationship with Hermione. They've been honest with each other and hang out more than usual, and for others, it was unusual since a Slytherin and a Gryffindor hanging out? Most of all, it's Draco Malfoy and Y/N L/N.

Y/N decided she'd sit with Draco at the Slytherin table to talk about what could take her mind away from the thought of her parents.  Eyes stare at the two students as both take their seats, but neither of them cares about the whispers and the eyes that are looking at them, especially the eyes of the brunette girl.

Hermione bombarded so many questions in her head, Why are they together? Why is Y/N with that foul git? Why is she laughing and looking happy with him? Did she forget that she has a girlfriend? Her thoughts were loud, and any legilimens could hear her from afar.

After the dinner with Draco, Y/N did have a wonderful time with him, and she was thankful for someone like him. Y/N proved that don't judge the book by its cover, and just because Draco makes fun of someone doesn't mean he liked it. He told her that it was just all acting, and he wanted his father's attention. Draco took Y/N to the Gryffindor Tower as they continued to chat about paintings.

"So, this is where I leave you," He said as he rubbed his nape, and Y/N smiled as she was still not used to this version of Draco, the good Draco.

"I'll See you tomorrow, ferret boy."

"You're lucky I love you."

"I know you do, have a good night sleep!" She waved him goodbye and went inside with a smile on her face but soon disappeared when she went inside her room. Hermione greeted her with an angry look.

"Didn't know you're friends with the Draco Malfoy," She scoffed. Hermione's crossed her arms as she was sitting at the edge of Y/N's bed. Y/N didn't acknowledge her existence and took her clothes to take a shower. "So you're ignoring me again? Are you that childish, Y/N?" As she steals her towel in her hands

"Give me that, Granger," but she didn't even budge and kept putting it away from her. "I swear to godric, Granger. Give me back my towel!" as she tried to steal it back, but Hermione raised the towel for her not to reach it but failed.

"Granger?! What is wrong with you? For the past few weeks you've been ignoring me and hanging out with Malfoy, who was the most foulest person I've known—"

"Don't call him that!" She yelled at her as she was now paying attention, her jaw clenched as Y/N was suppressing the anger that she felt. "You want to know why I've been ignoring you? You're ignoring me for the past months and you're always with Ron when I'm asking you to pay attention to me but no you said 'later', 'I'm busy', 'I need to help Ron' bullshit!" She yelled at the top of her lungs as Hermione was stunned, and the guiltiness rushed into her.

"But Ron needed my help—"

"Ron this, Ron that. It's always been him! I needed you, 'Mione. I needed you, my love...." She cried. She kneeled as her tears ran down to her face. "I needed you when my parents were murdered...." Hermione tried to support the girl, but she pushed away because she didn't want to meet her touch.

"How? But the daily prophet didn't have any articles about your parents," She asked Y/N, who was crying unstoppably. Hermione was sure she was reading the Daily prophet every day just in case there was happening outside the school for them to be aware. Still, none just the attacks of the death eaters but none of them were about Y/N's parents.

"That's why I'm asking for you to make time to listen! but no, you're always reading, studying, lovey dovey with Ron" She shook his head as her eyes began to puff because of too much crying. "I waited for you to make time, 'Mione and pretended everything was okay but still you're still busy."

Y/N slowly stood up to her place and looked at her as she wiped her tears from her eyes, Hermione's heart was heartbroken when she saw her Girlfriend crying, and Hermione knew it was her fault for not being there when she needed her. It was all her fault. She was the last one she had, and she wasn't there.

"You know who showed up? Draco showed up when I couldn't take it anymore, he was there when you were with Ron, living your life! While I suffered with loneliness!"

"I'm sorry, Y/N...."

That was the cue. That was the sign. Y/N knew it wasn't going to work anymore, and it won't work in harmony like in the beginning. It was a little funny because people said, At first it was just all butterflies and fireworks, but when it lasted, it was painful.

"Let's over this"

Hermione was shocked when she heard Y/N say those words that she didn't like to attend, and she didn't like this situation. She didn't even know they would go to this point where everything would fall apart.


"Let's break up, Hermione" Y/N was about to leave the dorm, but arms hugged her behind as she restrained her from walking away, restraining her from walking away from her life because she knew if Hermione let her go, she'd never come back.

"No! I'm not letting you! There's two people in a relationship and I'm not going to allow it."

"Two people? Rubbish. Why do I feel that I'm the only one who is still holding?"

"P-Please! Don't do this to me! I'll do better, I'll be with you! Just don't do this to me Y/N please!" Hermione started to cry, and even Y/N wanted to take back what she said, but she knew it was the best for them because she knew that it was just a lesson for both of them.

Y/N removed Hermione's arms around her waist as she looked at her one last time. Hermione's tears continued to fall on her face as she shooked her head to convince her but deep down, Hermione knew that this was the last time.

"It's the best, Granger. Goodbye, my love...."

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