Ended up falling with each other.

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"Bloody hell, It's hot!"



The two girls looked at each other secretly sending daggers with their eyes. Y/N silently groaned with Hermione's intervention with her plans. While Ron was puzzled by the sudden alertness of the two girls though he took both tumblers.

"Erm—Thank you, I guess?" Both girls didn't budge still glaring at each other. "Harry, want water mate?" Ronald offers his best friend which Harry nodded

"Sure—" He was cut off when the two girls were now glaring at him, clearly that the water bottle was only for the ginger boy. "—But I'm good." He backed off, he was scared that he'll die and the reason was killed by two ambitious girls trying to win the boy's heart.

Both boys took the lead and continued to talk while the two girls stayed behind with the tension that could explode if they couldn't handle it.

"When are you going to stop?" Hermione asked Y/N, who couldn't understand what was happening with her surroundings due to her annoyance. She still can't believe that the brunette was forced to keep up with her ways.

"I should I ask you that, Granger. He doesn't like you," Y/N sneered, but Granger scoffed as she continued to scowl at the girl.

"Rubbish. Have you seen how he looks at me?"


"Then you need your eyes get check. Maybe go to the hospital wing or something?"

"That girl." Y/N sighed as she followed them to the great hall. Y/N has been trying to show Ron that she likes him, though the Ginger boy is utterly daft. She's been on him for a year, yet someone got in her way.

Hermione Granger also likes him. The Y/H/C was so frustrated when the brunette also been trying to make her move at the boy.

The next few days were the match of Gryffindor versus Slytherin which Ron was the keeper of the team. Y/N was giddy to watch Ron and the rest of the Gryffindor team win against their mortal enemies.

Y/N, Harry and Hermione first went to the great hall with the Gryffindor team. The raven-haired boy said that Ron would catch up. The girl assumed that the Weasley boy was nervous about his first match as the team's keeper.

"So how was it, then?" Ron started, which confused the three about what he was talking about.

"How was what?" Hermione asked as the ginger boy let out a scoff

"Your dinner party." Y/N too was invited by professor Slughorn because of her mother, a great student of his back in her days, and Y/N didn't even like how the professor had favourites though they say it's an advantage that you've been in the Slughorn club.

"Pretty boring, actually." Granger retorted

"Well, the food is quite appetizing. Bet you'll enjoy it there, Ron." Y/N beamed at Ron. Trying to cheer him up while they eat their food.

"Though I think Harry enjoyed dessert." Y/N snorted as she gave the chosen one a teasing look which made his eyes roll.

"Oh, shut it." He grumbled

"What? I'm not even doing anything, Har." Y/N took a pie and still teased the boy about the scene at the dinner party. Clearly that Harry Potter is head over heels at Ginny Weasley. Though she can't blame him for liking the girl, Ginny is attractive.

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