You're mine.

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The houses held a party every month only for fifth years to seventh years. Now, Gryffindor was hosting with the help of Seamus and Dean. Since The Weasley twins dropped out last year, they're now in charge of making the party wicked.

When I stepped into the common room, loud music was all over the room as people were dancing wildly with their firewhiskey in their hands. I took one, went to the middle of the room, and danced freely without any problem.

Well, there is a problem. Hermione Granger is a bit confusing. I fancied her for a long time and confessed, and she said she couldn't return my feelings, and I'm okay with that as long we're friends. But do friends kiss? She can't return my feelings, yet we shagged? It's confusing.


I'm not even sure how I ended up at the cupboard. I was strolling in the corridor to get to potions when someone pushed me in, and the next thing I knew, My affections were being expressed, and her lips were all on mine.

It was a rush of feelings, desire, and sex. Everything she said, everything she flirty things to me, made my heart ache with longing for her. I had no idea where her sexual, possessive side came from, but I loved every minute of it.

"I can't Y/N. I'm sorry."

And just a snap, she woke up in a daze. She realized what they were doing, and it was wrong. It wasn't evident how she gave me mixed signals.

I pushed the brunette. However, Hermione was still leaning in and kept her lips on mine. My temper was getting there when I held his shoulders and pushed her away from me. "Stop! Hermione, Stop!"

"What's wrong?" Hermione looked puzzled when I pushed her for the first time. My breath was shaky as I felt a lump in my throat.

"This is not right. It's always has been." I tried to hide the shakiness of my voice, but It was unsuccessful. Hermione's eyebrows met at the middle and went near me.

"I don't see what's wrong here, Y/N" Hermione caressed my right cheek and was about to lean in again. I pushed her once more.

"Everything is wrong, Hermione! I confessed that I fancy you, and you said you couldn't reciprocate my feelings, and I accepted that. I'm fine even when we're only friends, and yet a month later, you started flirting with me, doing things that only couples do and a bit later, you kissed me, and we fucked." I exploded. I'm not going to settle in this shit. "This is also my fault since I didn't stop you that day when you started flirting with me" I ran my fingers thru my hair due to the frustration that I'm feeling right now.

"C'mon, you're just upset and let's—"

"Hermione, can't you see it? It hurts! You're breaking me. I don't understand what we are. Are we friends with benefits? Fuck buddies? What Hermione!" I yelled. I didn't even notice that my tears was running down at my face. Hermione froze when she saw what was happening to me and was about to approach when I stopped her. "If you think about those, I can't. I needed something more than that. I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore" I left the cupboard where we are earlier. I really can't stand our situation.

"Y/N wait!"

She only needs me when she's high.

"Excuse me?" I suddenly came back to reality when a Ravenclaw boy had approached me near the table where the drinks were.

The boy introduced himself, and his name was Louis Avery. He's in the last year of Hogwarts. Much older than me since I'm only in my second to the final year. Louis was a hilarious guy who I gave him a point, and I asked him why I had never seen him around the castle before. He said he wanted to keep himself lowkey and away from the spotlight.

"Why? You look like a guy who can get girls around their fingers and break their hearts."

"Funny. However, I'm the good guy. I swear"

"I doubt that." I giggled and noticed that Louis had a twin? Or I'm hallucinating? I peaked around. Everybody had a twin!

"Woah! I think you drank too much firewhiskey. You should stop." I leaned at the boy and rested my head on his shoulder

"Hm, I ought to drink so I can forget her."

"You're method is horrible." I laughed at his joke and looked at him even though my vision was blurred and dazy.

"I know" I didn't know, but Magically Hermione was in front of me, smiling with her killer smile. "'Mione?" My eyes focused on her lips. I slowly leaned in to have a taste of her heavenly lips.

"Y/N? What are you doing—"

Someone pulled me away from the boy, and I eventually sobered up a little bit. "you try to stick to my girlfriend. I'll hex your lips." Louis was about to deny; however, Hermione took me away from him, and the moment I knew, we were walking in the corridor.

"What the heck did you do that?"

"Stop flirting." Hermione looked like she would cast the killing curse any minute now. I don't even know why she pulls me when we're off.

I snatched my hand back from her grip and faced him. Angry about what she was doing. How dare she pull me and take me anywhere she wants. "What is your problem?"

"You're mine. I don't particularly appreciate sharing" She began licking my lips, My passion rising to the point that I could burst any minute. I occasionally give out small whimpers that longed to turn into moans but were too bashful to do so. She, on the other hand, was not at all shy. "You're mine, Y/N."

"All yours." I groaned, her mouth gliding over my warm neck skin. She sucked as hard as she could, in as many places Hermione could, until she discovered my sweet spot that she always sucked when we always have sex—immediately letting out a melodiously loud moan.

"I think we should continue this somewhere more private, hm? What do you say, pretty girl?"

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