Got some competition over there.

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"Hermione! Did you know someone has been talking to Y/N lately" Ginny spoke out of the blue, making Y/N furrowed at her statement. She has the guts that this is not going to end pretty well, knowing Ginny.

"What? Who?" Hermione stopped and asked the red hair questions immediately like a bolt of lightning while Y/N was watching her and praying to Merlin that this would not end up in a quarrel

"Her name is Sharon. She's very lovely."

"What?" The bushy, browned, haired girl snapped her head to where Y/N was and acted casually as if nothing affected her.

"Why are you looking at me like that? It's true, and she's a very lovely girl! Ask Ginny," Y/N gladly said, making Hermione roll her eyes and start to feel jealous that Y/N considered some girl lovely.

"She's right."

Granger shut her book loudly, making Y/N flinch. It was a sign that the girl was mad. "I can't believe you. Talking to another girl and thinking that she's a lovely girl when you have your girlfriend."

"What? It's just a compliment, babe. It's no big deal, and you know that I compliment everybody, right?"

Hermione scoffed and looked at Y/N intensely. "Well, your compliments are flattering. That's the reason why I fell in love with you! Gosh, Y/N. You're so argh! I'm going to bed." The girl walked out with her book in her hand. Y/N quickly ran to explain, but Hermione just shut the door to their room

" 'Mione! Babe!" The Y/H/C sighed and thought that she'd sleep beside Ginny once more

"Oh uh.. someone's in trouble."

"Yeah, I see that, Gin. Thanks"

"I can't wait to see her face when she finds out who Sharon is."

"Is that your girlfriend?" Sharon whispered, making Y/N look up where Sharon was pointing at. Hermione looked in a hurry as her hair was frizzy, yet she was still stunningly beautiful, and beside her was Ginny, suppressing her laugh because Hermione looked stunned but beautiful.

"Yeah." Y/N proudly said

"She's really pretty."

"I know", The Y/H/C whispered back, making the little kid smile.

"I'll be going now, Y/N! See you for the next tutoring!" Y/N bidding goodbye to the little girl as the two women approached her. The other one was smiling teasingly while the other was embarrassed, probably.

"Wow. Hermione looks like you got some competition over there." Ginny teased the brunette making Y/N chuckle as she looked beside her.

"You gonna say you're sorry?" She nudged her slightly, making Hermione groan and roll her eyes.

"You didn't tell me she was ten!"

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