The Downfall of Snakes (21)

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First Person

I was walking Ninjago City trying not to get lost in this wreaked city. I was at the moment was trying to find Hayden too.

Did I have any luck? No not much. I know I'm on the right part of town but I can't find the place I left him. Which had a bunch of people.

I continue to look everywhere on the street, in alley ways, in stores, in the small apartment building. It's small for one in Ninjago City anyway.

I started to get worried like he was very hurt somewhere. "Hayden!!" I yell out, though it might not been heard, there was so many people looking for their family, and friends.

"Hayden!? Come on, come out!!" It's almost use less until I heard.

"P/n!!!" I look in the direction that the yell came from, to see Hayden in one of the alley ways I already checked. Well I didn't check good enough. He doesn't run to me, almost like he wants me to come over to him.

Walking there seem so slow, with how many things holding him back from coming to me, well ai was thinking about this is my mind, but it could happen!!

I reach him, looking into the alley way again, ready to beat someone's ass.

But no one was even close to Hayden they were deeper into the alley. There was two paramedics or doctors. I don't know I don't go to medical school, okay? And they were tending a little girl.

She looks to be about Lloyd's age if not younger. She also had the whites hair I have seen on a child.

"Talk to her P/n! She won't talk to me or the doctors!!" He starts to drag me over to the little girl.

"Okay, okay, I'll try!" I start to walk over to the girl.

"Hey kiddo." I rise my hand for her to shake, I had a small response. She raised her hand a bit though not enough to reach my hand. I move it towards he hand and give it a small shake.

"If you don't know, I'm Y/n the purple ninja?" I give it as I question to see if she knows. She give me a small nod. I'll take that as a yes.

"Okay, so what's your name?" It was a settle question it wasn't like she had to answer it, I'll give her a cute nickname.

"Harumi..." She answered quietly, I barely even caught it.

"Harumi? That's a pretty name." I give her a soft smile.

"Do you mind if I ask where your parents are? You don't have to answer." She didn't answer something must of happened to them. If I think about it I'm pretty sure that apartment building that it was quite badly in shape.

"I'm so sorry sweetie." I give her hand a small squeeze. To be honest I just realized I was still holding hands with her.

I turn to the doctors, they seem in shock of what I just did. "What?"

"I guess you can be the hero of the day... Like your dad." I look at the doctor in shock, How did he find out!

"Hayden, which I believe is your son, said that you were." The male doctor explained.

"Oh, Hayden..." I give him a small glare. He gives me a shrug.

"Okay so what are you going to do with the girl?" I say in a whisper to the two doctors.

"Probably put them in a adoption home, unless we can find her parents which are probably dead." I sigh, I'm am deeply against the foster and adoption system.

"That sucks, she seems to be a sweet girl. She doesn't deserve that." I gave her a quick glance well a sad one.

"Yeah, but the royal family is looking for a child... She might be the perfect match." The female doctor says. Wait I met the royal family, once I was pretty young, but I know I met them.

"Why would the royal family be looking to adopting a kid, can't they... Ohhh right they're old. Sorry." They laugh at my comment, which I did forget the queen and king are quite old.

Though I don't think they ever had a kid and need someone to take over.

"Yeah she might be if she can get out of this state." I smile at them. Do I really want her to go to the royal family? No but it is better then going to a abusive home.

"Do they have phones at the home?" They nod saying there was pay phones.

I turn to the girl, sighing. "Do you have a piece of paper and a pen?"

"Yes of course. Let me go get it." The female doctor says walking Infront of the car, opening the door and reaching in for something. She walks back over and gives me what I asked for.

"Thanks." I go over to the opening of the car, and quickly write my number.

I look up at Harumi, giving her the paper. "Call me if you need anything. I'll be going now." I gave her a smile, and call Hayden to tell him that I we're leaving now.

He follows close behind with me leading because I know where the others are. The boys start coming into sight.

I see them trying to fix a light post. I walk over to them, "Hey boys, look who I found!" I yell out to them.

End of season 1

Not me leaving this on a cliffhanger because I know I won't write the rest until next month 😭😭 anyways happy late new year!!

Hey this is me on 3/16/22 and I want Inform y'all about how many words you've have read in season one--- plus fillers. ISSSSSSSSS 43,819 WORD IN TOTALLY!! Erh, now I hope you didn't binge read this because damn I would be brain dead! Anyways I'm hoping we can get that higher next season, because well I've already wrote the first two chapters and together they are almost 10k words 😅 Just so much is happening so read carefully when it comes out!

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