Tick Tock (13)

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                 (First person)

Me and the boys were watching my timer/clock. It was on the ten minute mark, I hear splashing and I look up to where Zane was.

"I broke the record?" Zane asks us.

"You destroyed it!" Kai says, taking the timer/clock out of my hand and showing it to Zane.

"Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking?" Jay asks, as I try to take the timer/clock back from Kai but he just raises his hand up so I can't reach it, and that's on being the shortest on the team.

"We've been training for so long, I don't think we can get any better. Just think about it we've accomplished." Jay continues, as I was still trying to get the timer/clock from Kai.

"Kai! Give it back!" I yell at Kai.

"Let me think about it... No." Kai says, as I once again try to get it. I stop trying to get it, because I have a way to get it later.

"The question is, have we reached our true potential?" Someone said, we started walking to where my uncle was. The others were talking about who did the most push-up.

'Dorks' Jen says, I roll my eyes at Jen's comment. We get there the boys continue, but once we saw Wu doing something.

"Our apologizes, we've interrupted you." We all say as we bow.

"I'm sorry I've been so distant lately. My mind has been elsewhere sense Lloyd and Hayden gone missing." Wu says, I sigh knowing what he feels.

"What can I help you with?" Wu asks us.

"Sensei, what of we've done with training? What if we've reached our true potential? What if we're ready?" Cole asks Wu.

"You might have reached peak physical condition, but you've yet to reach your inner potential. In each and everyone of us, there are obstacles that hold us back. Only when you conquer that fear will your heart be free. Only then will you reach your true potential. Only then will you have a fighting chance to stop the serpentine from releasing the Great Devourer." Wu told them, really I already know this stuff.

"Their's more to the Devrouree then you've lead on, isn't there sensei?" Cole says.

"Yes, there's a story I've never told you."

(Time skip cause I ain't writing the damn story)

"So the Great Devourer turned your brother into the dark lord?" Kai asks.

"Yes you fool did you ignore what he just said?!" I ask Kai.

"You five have finished your training. You must now focus on stopping Pythor from collocating the four Fangblades, but never lose focus on the obstacles that lie within each of your hearts that holds you back from true greatness. Unlock your true potential." My uncle tell us, as he put a katana in too a case.

"How are we supposed to do that?"

"It is up to each of you to discover," he gets up and walks to the door. "Now I must go on a personal journey of my own."

"Where are you going?" Jay bothered to ask him.

"To a place you cannot follow, I am going to find someone who can be of aid of helping the two young ones." (Um I am still trying to find a nickname for those two..hm can you guys give me one please?) "The serpentine have united and grown stronger and we need all the help we can get."

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