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I wake up by someone shaking me...

"Hayden quit P/n's trying to sleep," I said, quite quietly.

"Um... Y/n I'm not Hayden but you do need to wake up..." A low yet high voice said...Fuck! It's Cole's!

"Omg! I'm so sorry I thought you were Hayden!" I yelled from embarrassment.

I tell Cole to get out so I can change. I change quickly and see where Hayden was which he was with Cole playing...Shit That's so cute...WAIT WHAT NO THAT IS NOT CUTE!

I tell Hayden to come with me. I get him to change and take him to an old friend's house Blake's place so she can watch him.


I and the boys were running with Wu on something.

"Sign me up, great going spark plug." Jay mocked Kai.

Zane starts to say "I sense this is some strange way...Of teamwork"

"Just keep running we have a long way to go," Cole said, I just rolled my eyes and continue running like the other.

"So where did sensei find you guys?" Kai asked us.

....I started thing about when I was younger at my father's monastery playing, training, and walking around with my father... But then one day I just watch him get banished to the underworld, well Wu and him were fighting.

"What about you Y/n?" Someone asked me.

"Oh um well he is my uncle so..." I frown.

"ah-shhhhh." My uncle says shushing us.

We walk over to the caves of despair we hide behind a rock... Like this rock is so huge... Okay but to the mission.

"The caves of despair. Sakai must be near to unearthing the synth of quakes. Remember, don't use the weapon power-"

"Yeah Yeah Yeah! It's too powerful for us Mortals. All right. Let's choppy-sock lemonade stand, Cole got a plan?" Jay cuts off Wu, to ask Cole if he has a plan.

"Sure first we climb down this ledge...wait where's Kai?" Cole starts, but then notice Kai was gone, we look around he is already on the ground

"Lets go." Someone said.

We ditch the plan and go for Kai. I get there before the others. I smacked Kai on the back of his head.

"What's the matter with you?!" I ask him quite mad... He shushes me and points to a map. I notice that the map is upside down...Haha, these fools are digging in the wrong spot! Then I hear a conversation about a rock shape doughnut?

The other finally got here and before they could say something, Kai signs to them to be quiet.

"It's upside down they're digging in the wrong spot," I say, saying what I spotted earlier.

"Good catch," Cole said... I hear Zane say something about the golden weapon.

"There's no time to waste," Kai told us, he takes off without us again! Jeez, come on dude it's not just you.

We go follow him again. Cole goes to him to tell him to stay with us but all Kai said was yeah sure... Like do you want to beat up Jeez?

We all push a bolder out of the way and go in.

"Whoa, this is cool," Jay said pretty loudly. Which totally alerted the other fools here but lucky for us I knew Spinjitzu, at 8 years old Haha...

"Don't be too loud those fools might hear us," I told Jay.

"Relax were far enough," Cole told me... The others were already walking to the synth.

"Uh... Hm."

We walk over to the others, and Cole gets the synth and tosses it to Kai, and tell him to zip it up.

"Now we got the synth lets sneak out, while those boneheads are busy," Cole said.

As we started to leave. the dragon's head starts to move.

"All right team. Everyone stick together. The way is right over that corner" Cole told us as we follow him.

As we continue walking we run into all of the fools and the others start throwing the synth around... That's just dumb. I just start using Spinjitzu on the skeletons and a little after Jay starts doing it too... Then the other boys to woo finally.

Samakai yells "Retreat!!!!!" The boys except me and Cole start cheering.

"uh....guys..." Cole finally saying something.

"Wait didn't sensei say that there was a Procter," Zane said. The other three other ninja turn around. To see a dragon standing behind them.

"That's what I think it is right?" Cole said.

"You mean a dragon..." Jay says.

"That looks like a dragon," Kai says.

"I believe that we can not spin our way out of this one," Zane says.

We all start running honestly know that Rocky who is chasing us won't hurt us, but hey I like running. (Okay before you say "I DONt LIkE RUNnINg." I don't either so just go with it)

Kai starts to get the synth out

"Kai no! Sensei said not to use it!" I say.

"Then you better keep your mouth shut!" Kai responded, and he used it...dumbass now he's going to get killed by my uncle... Oh well.

We get out by a hole in the caves. The others start cheering once again not noticing my uncle was around.

"ENOUGH!" My uncle said, "I told you not to use the synth!"

"He did it!" Jay said pointing to Kai.
Then my uncle starts yelling at Kai about something but the only thing I'm worried about is Hayden hopefully he's ok with Blake, was a good friend.

I started walking with the others and...





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