Our Last Hope (28)

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Hayden's POV

I was standing at a table with Lloyd and Dr. Julian. Dr. Julian was talking about some lessons while fixing up the falcon the boys found again.

"Every cog, every gear is important." He said as he put an extra gear into the robot, turning it back on. "If one piece is missing or out of place, the invention won't work." He added as the falcon got back onto its feet. He patches the robot up and sets it off to fly around.

A new voice enters the conversation "It is like you ninja." I turn around to see who the voice belonged, My great-uncle Wu. "You each server very important roles, and are each key parts to a magnificent fighting force." He finished wisely to Lloyd and me.

"Would that be the same for my grandfather and P/n?" I asked the old man that seemed to know everything.

He seemed to think about it for a moment, rubbing his bread with his hand, "Hmm, if you mean being on the evil side; I do believe for your grandfather but for your parents in general I don't think so." I nodded agreeing with him. That would possibly be confirmed that in another universe they would both be on our side.

"If we're all gears, what if I'm the gear that doesn't work?" Lloyd asked Master Wu. I look at him in disbelief if anything that would be me that messes up!

Lloyd continued before I could even respond, "What if I don't do my part? What if I can't defeat my father?" He looks down in shame.

"What if there are no more "What ifs"? The final battle is almost upon us. When that time comes, we will know the answer to what if, whether we like it or not." He told the boy in green.

"Yeah, it's not like we can even stop it. If we could Lloyd I would've done it by now." I told him with a cheeky smirk, trying to cheer him up. Lloyd only rolled his eyes, but he gave me his iconic smirk back.

An even newer voice joins the conversation, "But perhaps there is." It was my grandmother, Misako, "I used to think it was inevitable, but then I found this." She put the scroll in her hand on the table.

"You mean maybe Lloyd and Hayden don't have to fight? This I gotta hear." We all looked up to where the direction of the voice was coming. It was Cole's, he and the rest of the ninjas were walking back from the beach.

"I guess you enjoyed your summer vacation?" I joked with them before the attention was back on to the scroll.

"The scrolls day that when the Helmet of Darkness," Misako opens the scroll, "Is bequeathed to its rightful ruler, the celestial clock will count down to the activation of an unspeakable weapon. The first sign that the final battle between good and evil has begun." She finally finishes reading the scroll.

"Did you just say unspeakable weapon?" Kai asked the older lady confused.

"Uh, I'm still stuck on what 'bequeathed means," Jay told everyone with me agreeing. Just because I became older doesn't mean I have the biggest vocabulary.

"Go on, Misako. Don't let us interrupt you. How do we stop the final battle?" Cole told the lady, as the ninjas finally got to the table.

"Nothing here explains what would happen if the Helmet of Darkness is returned." She told all of us while we took a look at the scroll.

"Interesting. Remove the helmet, and the clock starts. Put it back, the clock stops." Wu told us what he collected from all of this new information.

Lloyd started to add to it, "And the final battle never starts." He smiles at this new information. I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Bequeathed, anyone? Is anybody gonna help me out with that?" Jay asks all of us expecting an answer in some way.

Kai was nice enough to change the subject, "That sounds great and all, and I know we have our new powers, but you expect us to get past his whole army of stone warriors, most likely his two best students, and pluck the helmet off his head?" Kai even makes a popping sound and acts like he's taking off a hat to make it more dramatic.

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