The Real Ninja Beginning (2)

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Before you start reading just know that the first four chapters (The piolets) are very bad I know in the future I do plan on rewriting these chapters but that must wait a few months! Anyways enjoy my story!


I was with my uncle and my son we were walking to a blacksmith's shop, my uncle said it was to get a new ninja. Like I don't care as long he does not hurt Hayden but the others I'm not too sure.

"Wu are we almost there we've been walking forever," Hayden asked Wu.

"Well, it's just over there," Wu tells the boy, as he points to a building that says Four weapons.

We walk over there and I tell my uncle, I and Hayden are going to sit at the little garden at the side of the building.

I and Hayden went to the garden, Hayden started chasing the butterflies, and I started meditating. A few minutes later Wu came back he sat next to me and waited.

We heard someone voice say something about their leader being mad at them if they did not do this.

Weird right yeah?

So I and Wu go look at what's going on, we see two people trying to fight them off but they just get spread apart, the one with Brown hair almost got hit by a water thing, (I have no clue what that is called pls help 😒) but Wu goes to save them. some skeletons come up to me and I start fighting them, of course, what else would I do. I get close to the girl but at the same time, a hand grabs her.

I look at Wu and he mouthed "We will get her later."

My uncle signals to go to him so I do. We walk to the boy and my uncle starts talking to him the boy fucking called Spinjitzu something very weird...

"I have the best P/n ever!" Hayden said as he ran to me, I pick him up.

"Heck yeah, you do," I told my little blond boy, and the boy looked at me with a weird look and me and Hayden say at the same time.

"What?" I said to the boy with a porcupine as his hair.

"Nothing at all," He told me, then we started walking back to the monastery once we got there I and Hayden went to find the other boys.

I hear a familiar voice "Um, how is that funny ?"

I recognize that voice as Zane, I walk into the room where I knew the boys were. They all started looking at me and Hayden

"Hey, you two have been gone for so long," Cole says.

"Yeah well, sensei wanted us to go somewhere so yeah," I told Cole, as I put Hayden down.

Hayden walked over to Jay and hit him.

"Hayden why did you do that?!?!" Jay asked him.

"You were looking at me weird, and no one will look at me look that," Hayden answered. We all started laughing except for Zane and Hayden.

"Who wants to play video games?" Jay said we all said "ME!"


A few days later I and the boys are in our black ninja suits jumping around to one of the bathrooms in the monastery. We see that boy I believe his name is 'Kai' but I'm not so sure. We jump down and start fighting him.

Somehow we ended up outside and the other boys' dogpile him.

"Yeah, I'm not doing that..." I said, not wanting to dogpile him.

Then Wu slammed the door open and yelled "Stop!"

"Yes sensei." We say as we bow our heads.

"Wait a minute... They're your students too?" The spike asked Wu, to which Wu just nods.

"Whoa, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, you never said about a 5th there are four golden weapons for a reason," Jay said.

Cole cut him off, "What he's trying to say is that fourish of us out of four trained together. Were solid."

"Don't look so solid to me" Kai responded, shooting Cole a glare.

"Oh someone is hotheaded," I whisper to Cole, We both laugh.

"Sensei what's the meaning of this?" Zane asked Sensei.

"Each of you been chosen. Each of you holds an elemental power. But first...NINJA GO." Wu says, one moment later he does Spinjitzu.

Once he stops, I look down to see, A purple gi with a gold dragon, and a katana. Nice.

"Whoa, how did you do that?!?" Kai said.

"Oh, look what color I am," Jay says quite excited.

"Wait a minute, I'm still black," Cole says, confused.

Wu walks over to Kai.

"Kai master of fire. It burns light in you." Wu told us.

He then starts walking to Jay "Jay master of lightning."

Jay then continues to talk about other stuff he does.

"More like 'mouth of lightning'," Cole says out loud.

Wu walks to Cole and says "Cole the master of earth, he's just as solid."

He walks to me and says, "Y/n master of darkness, You'll never know what will happen with them." I smile and sigh.

He walks to Zane and says, "Zane the white ninja, with a sixth sense."

He backs away and says "In the morning we're going out for a little run so better get some sleep." We all go to our quarters.

I see Hayden sleeping in his room and I smile, and walk over to the door of his room and close his door.

I go into my room which is right beside Hayden's, and change.

After I change I go on the bed and snuggle with my stuffed bunny.


Bruh hello fellow reader or past reader reading this again!



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