Their true potential (Kinda) (11 part 1)

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(First person, and this was 7 years ago)

I was following my best friend around my dad's monastery, she said she wanted to show me something she found.

We stop at a hole...

"Hey, Jen why did we stop here?" I asked my bestfriend.

"Just follow me, Y/n." Jen told me and walked into the hole.

I started following her, it was kinda dark so I made light with fire.

I catch up with Jen, and see that she had something in her pocket.

"Um... Jen what's in your pocket?" I asked her. She freaked out for a moment and the looked at me.

"Here," she gives me a necklace. "I want you to have it." I looked at her with a shocked face. This was her most favorite necklace, and she's giving it to me!

"But-" I try to protest but she cuts me off.

"Y/n just take it." She says clamly, so I get it from her and put it my pocket so it does not fall out.

We continue to walk, until we find a ditch with polls that have weird pictures on them.

"Where do we go now, Jen?" I ask her not sure what to do.

"Just follow me, Y/n." She says, as she jumps on a rock with a demon picture.

"Um...Okay." I whisper to myself.

She jumps on a different rock with the same picture, so I jump on the one she was on. This continues for awhile until we see a door. She stops and looks at me.

"You know what?" She asks me.

"Uh...What?" I said.

"I am going in there if I am not out in 20 minutes, go in and come find me." She tells me. She wasn't the type of person to asks that, so this was off.

I grab the clock I always have in my other pocket.

"You got 10 seconds to enter the door." I says, she quickly runs to the door and goes in. I start the clock and wait.

I was looking around, and saw two pairs of eyes... Hazel and brown.

"Aye, Colten, Haven I see you two!" I yell to them.

"Ugh, Haven I told you that they would see us." I hear Colten say to Haven. I laugh.

"Oh, quite at least Jen didn't see us, sense she left. Okay!" Haven said back.

I look at the clock 5:45 minutes left. The other two catch up to me. I look up at my friends and sigh.

"Yeah umm... so... what are you two doing here?" I ask the two people in front of me.

"Um.. We saw you two and um...We were wondering what you were doing with out us." Haven answered me.

"Oh...sorry Jen didn't want you two to come." I say as I give a sorry smile with putting my hand my neck.

"Haha, it's fi-" Haven trys to say but gets cut off.

"Uh, why?!?!" Colten yelled.

"I don't know!?" I yell back.

"Okay, chill guys." Haven said. Me and Colten stop for the moment.

I start to hear a 'ding' over and over again. I look at my clock 00:00.

"Well you guys go back to the monastery, I am going in the door. Get our parents if I ain't out in a 25. Okay?" I ask the boys.

"Ugh, sure whatever, come on Haven." Colten says as I run to the door. I put my hand on the handle and go in...

Holy shit! Okay great so I see a bunch of skeletons... Before they see me I telport away.

I telported behind a rock somewhere. I look around to see if I was around Jen. I didn't see her. I telported again and this time I found her.

(True potential time)

I found Jen and some skeleton dude with four arms was going towards her, she seemed scared. I popped out of my hiding spot.

I was mad, my eyes were glowing a deep red, my hands were on fire that was the color purple. The skeleton looked at me and smirked, he spins the knifes he had in his hand. He stepped closer to me.

He tried to kick me in the leg to trip me but I block it and hit one of his arms, it fell off. He tried to stab me in back, but failed. I get away for a second and help Jen back up. She gets in fighting position beside me. The skeleton came towards us. We looked at each other and smiled.

He tried to hit us both but only hits me. I don't stop though. Me and Jen put our hands on one of his arms and tog them down making them fall to the ground. He backs away from us and looks at us with shocked. I laugh Jen stays quite.

I look away because I heard something. A few moments later I hear a blood curdling scream. I look where Jen was...

The skeleton had Jen in the air with the last knife he had. He puts her down and gets his knife. I couldn't move I was to shocked to. He come towards me but before he could hurt me someone push him away. Someone ran to Jen's side but I didn't look. Someone came behind me and hugged me, I went to look who it was... It was my mother. I quickly hugged her back, tightly. I wanted to cry but I didn't.

(Time Skip...)

I was waiting with Haven and Colten. All the adults were in Jen's room trying to save her. I was leaning on a wall, Colten was sitting next to me, and Haven was walking around.

"Do you think Jen will be okay?" Colten asked us.

"I hope so! She can't die! I don't want her to die!" Haven yells.

I walk over to him and stop him walking, and hugged him tightly. A few moments later I fell someone else join.

After a minute or two we stopped.

"She will be okay, I'll make sure of it." I tell them.

We go back to whatever we were doing. A hour or so later my parents comes out the room. We all looked up at them but before they shook their head.

We were all shocked... I walked off before I could cry.

I walked to my room and locked the door, I didn't want to talk to some one right now. I walked over to my bed and grabbed my bunny and hugged it tightly. I started crying right there and now...


A short chapter yay!... Gosh I suck at writing!



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