The Royal Blacksmiths (15)

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(First person)

We were all in the bridge well not the two blond kiddos they were still with the damn serpentine...

We we're all looking at an hologram picture of a Fangblade. I was standing in the middle of Zane and Cole.

"Though they got the first one there are three more and we just need one to stop Pythor. They have a map and we don't, so the question remains how are we gonna find them first?" Nya asks.

"Huh, I still cant get over the fact that you were the mysterious samurai, is anyone else blown away like I am, huh?" Jay says, this dude is becoming of a simp more and more every fucking day.

"We're over that can we move on." Kai says firmly.

"(Weird ass sounds) Someone's a little hot under the collar." Jay replys, I laugh at Jay's comment.

"It appears his unpatience is because he has not found inner peace and unlocked his true potential, like you and I have, Jay." Zane says.

"Great observation, Mr.Roboto, but Cole and Y/n hasn't found it either." Kai told Zane, clearly annoyed.

"I got it!" Cole yells raising his hand up in the air.

'Ow...' Jen says.

"You've unlocked it?! Oh! Why am I the 'only' one?!?!" Kai says looking at his hands, though also forgeting about me since I never told him that I already reach it, but I don't think Sensei would be very happy...

"No, I figured out where I recognized the flagblade from," Cole run away to the other side of the bidge, "I have a picture of it." He says running out the door.

"Oh! That could actually help us." I say happily.

"Oh, is that it? Good." Kai says, calming down.

"I got it." Cole says, while putting the book down to open it. We start to walk to him. He opens it to a page, but Jay takes it from him.

"That's it!" Jay says, looking at the picture.

"Back where I grew up, there's this pretty big competition, where every year the winner gets the blade cup. My dad's won at multiple times." Cole told us.

"Oh! So your dad is a athlete! Um, what sport?" I say, looking at the blade cup picture, Jay was holding.

"Oh, he's a Blacksmith." Cole says, kinda stuttering...

"Nothing wrong with that, my father was a Blacksmith too but I've never heard of a competition-" Kai says getting cut off by Cole.

"Thats because he's not a 'blacksmith blacksmith' he's uh." He walks over to Jay and continues. "He's a royal blacksmith." He turns the page to the book Jay was holding.

It show a picture of a old man with the blade cup.

The others start to giggle and laugh, but I think that was pretty cool to have a dad that dances. Though for some people it ain't as fun well I guess I don't know.

"That's your dad?" Jay said still kinda giggling.

"But how did the fangblade, become a troghy?" Kai asked Cole.

"Well supposedly the Blade Cup was made by this guy who collected priceless artifacts. His name was something like hm, Dutch no! Clutch, Clutch Powers." Cole walks away from me and Jay and continues. "Anyways it gets passed on to each year's winner." Cole finally finished.

"Who has it now?" Zane asked Cole.

"I don't know. I haven't talked to my father in years." Cole says, as he looks at the floor.

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