Frayed - 3

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"I bought us some time." I told Scott, looking down at my phone. I had to stall my family in their attempt to kill Deucalion, because I knew Scott, being the man he is, would try and talk this out peacefully with no killing. "I thought you were on board with the plan." Scott said confused as he took his helmet. I shook my head, putting my phone in my back pocket. "Truth is I'm not. Deucalion made it very clear that one way or the other Derek would have to kill." Which I am firm on that it'll never happen. "Killing Deucalion will just make more chaos, one of the other alphas will continue the mission. So if that means we have to talk with him. Count me in," I gave him the most assuring look I could muster. I was 100% into this. "Anything to save my family." 

Scott nodded and we both turned to leave, and we almost crashed into Isaac. He'd been living with Scott ever since Derek kicked him out. Isaac looked us over. "Where are you going?" 

Scott and I exchanged glances. "Uh," I scratched the back of my neck. I looked at Scott, I could rehearse a bunch of excuses I used a million times over, but right now I can't think of one. "We were gonna go get some food to eat." Scott lied. 

"Oh," Isaac said. "Cool. I'll come with you." 

I shook my head, I did not want to involve Isaac in this. Things could go wrong. "Nah, dude. It's okay." 

Isaac stared at us. "What are you getting?" 

"Uh-" I fumbled. "Mexican...?" 

"I love Mexican." Okay this is getting annoying. Scott was just as anxious. "It's okay." Isaac shook his head. Oh dear god. By now he knew what we were planning. "You're not going alone. Come on." I sighed. "Fine. But we're taking my car." 

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"You didn't come alone." Deucalion said from atop the elevator. Deucalion wanted to met in an abandoned strip mall, it was very run down and I was surprised they haven't tared the place down to built a new one or some apartment complex. "Yeah." Scott motioned to Isaac. "This is Isaac."

"And you already know me." I faked a smile, I can't believe I didn't realize he was a werewolf when I first met him at the hospital. "So much for just visiting."

"I'm not talking about Isaac or Isabelle." Oh dammit. They're here. I should have known that Derek would know what Scott did, if I knew it. 

Derek stepped out of the shadows, along with the rest of my family. Unsurprisingly, no Peter Hale in sight. "You knew I would do this?" Scott said appalled. "Derek, don't! You can't do this so no one gets hurt. If someone else dies"

Derek growled and pointed at Deucalion, face shifted. "Him. Just him."

Deucalion tilts his head at Derek. "Just me? Now, how's a blind man find his way into a place like this, all on his own?" Oh no. 

The other alphas started to arrive, sliding down walls, coming out from their hiding places. I began to pull my hair into a tight ponytail as I shifted. Everyone began to fight. 

Who would have thunk it that teenagers are a match for 2 adult alphas and an alpha twin mutant. 

"Kill him." Deucalion told Derek, pointing at Boyd that was on the ground, coughing up some blood after having been slashed by Kali. I inhaled angry at the grip Ennis had on my hair, he had broken my leg, so it was hard to stand up and stomach the scene in front of me, even worse fight against him. "The others can go."

He walked down. "You're beaten. Do it, Derek. Take the first step."

Kali scoffed. "Are we serious with this kid?" She looked Derek up and down, disgusted by the sight of him so soft. "Look at him! He's an Alpha? To what? A couple of useless teenagers?"

Mom growled. "He is a better alpha than all of you combined." Deucalion shrugged at that. "Some have more promise than others."

"Let him prove it then!" Kali exclaimed, "What'll it be, Derek? Pack or family?" She had Cora under her, keeping her secured with her foot on her back. She began to put pressure on Cora's neck.

Derek didn't answer, and a sudden familiar sound of a flash bolt arrow made my eyes instinctively close shut. "Your eyes-" I heard Deucalion say over the sound of the arrows, "cover your eyes!" Deucalion warned his pack as the arrows did their work, flashing bright white light. 

It was hard seeing what was going on with having to keep our eyes closed. Everyone recovered from the light and Scott and Ennis were the first to brawl it out. I ran to Boyd, looking over his injuries. I was not about to lose him. Not again. Thank god Kali and the twins still haven't recovered from the light. "Get him out of here!" I told Cora as I handed her Boyd. She took him and ran.

I looked back when Scott and Ennis collide. Scott is hit and he slides against the ground, and for a split second his eyes are red. What on earth? 

Ennis goes back to attack but Derek gets in the middle. They got closer to the edge than I liked. My parents and I run to help, Scott does the same getting there first. He slashed Ennis leg and they struggled for a bit. Till they lost balance. "Derek!"

I rushed my pace, trying to get there in time. I wasn't. Derek and Ennis fell and we couldn't go after them. "NO!"


"Stiles, what's happening?" I asked when we heard the commotion of a fight. From our view we couldn't see it, because of the crowd that had formed. 

"They went after him." He answered, he looked at Scott. "I told 'em what was happening with you, and they just went after him!"

"Who, Boyd?" Scott questioned. Stiles shook his head. "Isaac." I'm sorry Isaac did what now?

We all ran up, pushing past the crowd

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We all ran up, pushing past the crowd. Coach was yelling at Isaac to stop. Isaac holds Ethan, punching him repeatedly across the face. Ethan doesn't do anything and I found that strange. He's an alpha, he could beat Isaac to a pulp and not break a sweat. Was it because there were too many people around or because he felt guilty or some shit. It was probably the first.

Part of me knew I should pull them apart, with my strength I could. But another part of me didn't want to. I wanted to see Ethan bleed. Pay.

"ISAAC!" Scott yelled when I just stood there frozen. Isaac pulled away, looking at Scott ashamed. Danny went to Ethan's aide, I went to Isaac checking his hand before Coach could heavily scold him. I joined everyone else back in the bus, since we decided not to take the car. Coach was fine with it, he didn't really care.

"All right, let's go over this one more time." Stiles said, leaning over his seat to Lydia and I.

"So, it's the sacrifices, right? Everything has to do with them and someone who thinks he's, like, a dark Druid of some kind."

"A Darach." I stated. 

"You know." Lydia starts. "Some ancient cultures sacrificed people in preparation for battle."

I groan and bang my head on Stiles' seat in front of us. "So an Alpha pack versus a darach." What are the chances of that? 

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