Galvanize - 3

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“Wait a minute, wait a minute!” Stiles exclaimed, a little bit too excited about an actual serial killer roaming the halls. Apparently, “The William Barrow?” was at Beacon Hills Memorial getting surgery and he somehow escaped.

Now, he was lose in the town. I was more worried than scared. Stiles kept asking questions as we followed after our parents and my aunt.

“The Shrapnel Bomber?” Stiles questioned. “Spotted nearby?” 

Stilinski, Nancy, and my mom turned to us. “A little closer than nearby,” Nancy said. “Actually.” My eyes go wide. What? 

“How do we get down to the basement?” We heard Rafeal ask one of our teachers, nearby.

“I need to know where every entrance is-- I don't want anyone coming in or out of the school.” 

Stiles and I exchanged looks and then looked at our parents. “What's really going on here?” 

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

“Barrow went after kids with glowing eyes?” Isaac repeated what Stiles and I told him, Lydia and Allison. Nancy got put on the Barrow case temporarily since she was here, she and Stilinski told us a little bit more about the case.

What Melissa said, Barrow said before going into surgery. “He said those exact words?”

Stiles nods. “Yeah, and no one knows how he woke up from anesthesia–” I continued as we walked down the empty hallway.

Everyone was told to stay in class, not us however. “Just when they opened him up, they found a tumor full of live flies.” I shudder, disgusting. I don’t even want to ask how that happens.

“Which in any other circumstance would be all kinds of awesome.” Stiles said. I shook my head, no that would still be disgusting. 

“Did you say flies?” Lydia questioned, pausing in the hall. We all looked at her, Allison and I were a little concerned.


“All day, I have been hearing this sound.” Lydia told us, a little overwhelmed. “It's like this buzzing.” 

“Like the sound of flies?” Stiles questioned her. Lydia nods. “Exactly like the sound of flies.”

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Stiles, Lydia and I ran through the halls, trying to find Scott. One thing was for sure, if Barrow guy is going after children with glowing eyes, we had to protect Scott. It was the only way. “Hey, dude, where the hell have you been?” Stiles questioned Scott. 

“The police are leaving. Why are they leaving?” Lydia exclaimed. Scott frowns. “The police?”

I stare at him exasperated. “Where exactly have you been these past 30 minutes?!” How has he not noticed the amount of cops in the school? 

“They must have cleared the building and grounds,” Stiles muttered. “Which means he's not here.” 

“Who?” Scott asked, confused. “What are you guys–” Lydia cuts Scott off. “He has to be here. That sound... that buzzing I've been hearing? It's getting louder.”

“How loud?” I asked. I wonder if we could use her as a detector. 

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Stiles and I run after our parents. There was no way they could just leave the school, leave us with a serial killer on the loose in the school. “Nancy! Mom!” I called my mom and aunt. Stiles calls for his dad. “Dad!"

We caught up to them. “You can't leave yet.” I refused to stay in a school with a serial killer. 

“We got an eyewitness that puts Barrow by the train station.” Stilinski told us. “Let's go, O’Hara!” called Rafeal from down the street from the SUV.

“Stilinski!” Stilinski rolls his shoulders annoyed by him.

They began to walk again so Stiles and I pulled them back. “Whoa, whoa, Dad!” Stiles said. “Please, just-- Lydia said that he's still here.” 

“Did she see him?” Mom asked. I shake my head, “Not exactly, no.” I tried finding a way to explain the rest of it, but I found no explanation. I began to play with my fingers.

“Well, not at all, actually. But she has a feeling-- a supernatural feeling.” 

Stilinski frowns. “Lydia wasn't on the chessboard.” Stiles shrugged. “She is now.” Nancy and my mom frowned.

“What chessboard?” I dismissed it, I didn’t feel like explaining the whole chessboard thing with them. 
Stilinski takes a guess. “Kanima?” Mom shook her head. “Banshee actually.”

Nancy and Stilinski both frowned. “Banshees are real?” Nancy said, quite surprised. I nod. Stilinski groaned. “Oh, God.”

“I know, I know how it sounds.” Stiles admitted. “But basically, it means that she can sense when someone's close to death.” 

“Can she sense that I'm about to kill you?” Stilinski asked. Stiles and I shrug. “We don’t know.” We looked to find Lydia by the front doors of the school building, tugging at the worn out paint.

When she sees us looking she waves. 
“All right, look-- I'm not saying I don't believe, but right now, I'm going with "eyewitness" over "Banshee." Stilinski said and I groaned. No!

“We're leaving a few deputies here. The school's on lockdown until three o'clock. Nobody comes in, nobody comes out.” Stiles was going to begin to argue but Stilinski cut him off.

“Buddy, that's the best I've got right now. That's the best I can give you, Stiles–” Stilinski runs away before Stiles and I can say anything. 

“You're leaving me here??? That's not-- that's the worst.” Stiles yells after him. Mom sighs. Nancy turned to us both. “I am sorry but I have to go with them,” Mom nodded. “We can manage.”

Even if we could have used a bunch of cops. Nancy nodded and went to join Rafeal and Stilinski, we could only watch as they drove away. Dam god dammit.

Mom was going to try and get the principle to keep everyone in class. While me and the others tried to find Barrow. 

“Lydia thinks that he's still here,” Scott told me, Isaac and the twins. “Even though the cops searched the whole school.” I nodded as Scott pulled out a hospital gown from the bag his mom had brought.

“But, they didn't have one thing-- our sense of smell.” 

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