Lethira Vulpina - 3

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I shake my head, trying to get this awful feeling out of my stomach. The paramedics and Stilinski had arrived. Stiles was reunited with his dad and Coach was being taken to the hospital. But something felt kind of wrong.

“Hale,” I looked to see Officer Parrish call out to me. He was new on the force, and out of almost everyone on it he was one of my favorites apart from Stilinski. Probably because he was new.

Most of the others on the force thought that my family was bad news.

“What is it?” I asked as I approached him. 

“How are you doing with your family situation?” 

I frowned at the slightly older than me officer. “What do you mean family situation?” 

This time he frowns. “You didn’t know?”

“Know what?” I questioned, almost begging at this point. What was he talking about? What happened to my family that I wasn’t aware about. And why wasn’t I aware of it? 

“Your dad and cousin got arrested.” My eyes go wide when Parrish tells me the news. “What do you mean they’ve been arrested?”

God what the hell did they do now? And why didn’t someone call me?

“They, including a Chris Argent, were arrested for the murder of a man named Silver finger.” 

It takes everything in me to maintain a neutral face when he mentions the man named Silver Finger. Holy shit. The guy is dead! How in the hell is this guy dead! Isn’t he some sort of boss kind of guy?

And why would my dad, cousin, and Argent kill a guy? Half the time, my dad and Derek can barely stand Argent. Let alone stay in the same room. Guess that answers why my aunt isn’t here. She must be back at the station. Wait. I know for a fact they didn’t kill this guy, so when in the hell do the cops think he did it? 

“Isabelle!” Aiden called from Stiles' truck. He stands with Scott, both of them motioning me over. “Thanks for the information.” I thanked Parrish. He nods. “Yeah no problem.” 

I thanked Parrish again real quickly before rushing to the boys side. “What is it?”

Aiden doesn’t answer with words, he holds up the light blue wrapping paper with silver stars up. I almost freeze when I see it. “This is the same wrapping paper we used for Coach's birthday present.”

Why did Stiles have it? Halloween was long gone. 

Aiden nodded. “Wasn't that William Barrow's thing? A bomb made from nails and bolts, all wrapped up in a birthday present?”

Scott nods at what Aiden had said. “Where did it go off?” 

My eyes went wide as I recalled the article about William Barrow. “On a school bus.” The boy's eyes went wide before they rushed to Stilinski to tell him the news. I stayed by the jeep, pulling out my phone and quickly dialing my mom. 

Come on pick up!

“Isabelle shouldn’t you be in class?” Is the first thing mom says when she picks up the phone. “There’s no time for that now!”

“Isabelle what’s going on?” I can hear the frown in her voice as she speaks. Beside me the sirens went off again and the cops started to pile back inside. I pulled my keys from my sweater and made a beeline for my car.

“There is a bomb at school!” I told Mom as I unlocked the car and Stiles, Scott and the twins piled inside. My car could probably beat any of these police cars. 

“What are you talking about?” 

“The nogitsune mom.” I inform her, I throw my phone down in the cup holder of the car, putting her on speaker. I put the car in reverse and quickly backed out from the forest onto the road.

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