Don't kiss him

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Warning: No smut, but heavy making out and maybe ... smuttish talk? I don't know what to call it. Have fun!

Don't kiss him, don't kiss him, I thought.
I sat in the armchair opposite to the sofa and stared at Loki. How the sun shone on his head, making his black straightened hair glimmer, and his forehead made this little frown, and my gods when he licked his finger to turn the page of the book he was reading -
Stop. I closed my eyes for a second. What was up with me today? Maybe I should eat. That would help with the hunger.
A strand of Loki's hair fell into his face and caressed his cheek lightly, then he brushed it away with his fingers.
Or it wouldn't. Certainly not with this kind of hunger. I slowly exhaled and let my glance wander over his form. It was not like I wasn't used to these kind of thoughts. Every mission we were on, always this high pulse rate or the constant blush on my face ...
"Hey, (y/n), I just read a passage about mind reading", Loki said and looked up to me, a friendly smile on his face.
"Uh, uhm, yeah, uh ... what?", I asked, flustered, and propped myself up in the armchair.
"Mind reading", Loki said and tapped with one finger at the book cover. "Really, what were you thinking about? You look like you had an intense debate with yourself in your head."
"Oh, no", I answered and laughed it off. "Nothing special, really. Just thinking about what is for dinner."
"Great", Loki said and put his feet back on the ground to turn to me. "Can I test the mind reading on you then? I would like to try it once, and you are the only person with me in the Tower."
"Oh", I said, not very excited. "I am not sure if that's a good idea ..."
"Come on", Loki said. "It will be fun. Don't worry, I will not dig too deep."
I shifted in my seat, my face becoming hot. "Well, I am really not sure ..."
"You said you thought about dinner tonight. I could read only that."
"Well, uhm ... fine. Okay." I hoped very dearly that I would be able to shield him from these thoughts in my head. I had no idea how mind reading worked.
I got ready and looked into his eyes, trying to picture lasagna in my head. But these deep, green eyes, and his lips, curled in a little concentrated smile, and his pale skin enframed by the dark hair -
Suddenly I saw images going by my mind's eye. Dinner, Loki's voice said in my head.
You, my inner voice answered.
Through the stream of pictures, I saw Loki raise an eyebrow. I concentrated on the image of the lasagna and it flickered and came to my mind. Then I noticed that Loki bit on his lip slightly while concentrating on the magic.
And that was too much for my untrained stream of thoughts. All the things from five minutes ago flew through my head in a flood of thoughts, pictures and emotions. Don't kiss him, don't kiss him.
Suddenly, it stopped. I squeezed my eyes shut in embarassment, but I heard Loki's chuckle nevertheless.
"Well, well, well", he drawled in a flirtatious tone that seemed to stretch every word longer than I could bear to hear it.
"Sorry", I whispered. "Sorry, I shouldn't have ... I shouldn't ..."
"Why are you apologizing?", asked this marvelous voice of his. "I would like you kissing me."
My eyes flew open. "What."
A smirk curled around the corner of his mouth. "I would like you to kiss me."
"Am I dreaming? Please tell me I am dreaming. I have to."
"No, you are not. Please come here and do as you want. If you still want to of course."
I slowly got up. "You are ... asking me if I still want?" I walked over to him. "This is the easiest question I had to answer in my life, ever."
He smiled up at me and took my hand, half guiding me onto his lap. I sat down and saw in wonder that my legs were really wrapped around his torso.
"Then answer it, darling."
My arms already rested on his shoulders and around his neck, and his final sentence set something in me on fire. I leaned down and kissed him with all the passion I had, and his body hit the backrest with a quiet thud. I pressed my lips onto his, slightly seperating and entwining again, our pants between the kisses. My hand went up into his hair without me realising it, and I pulled away for a bit just to trail heated kisses down his neck.
"Loki", I breathed. He should never have allowed me to kiss him. Now every tiny bit of emotion I held in was set free, and it was just my burning hunger and his body. Of course, if he pulled back the consent, I would stop immediatly. But if he continued to enjoy ...
"Loki", I breathed again. "Please ... oh my ... please ..."
He had his eyes closed and his hands ran up and down my back, touching my skin under the pullover by pure instinct. He chuckled. "What is it, darling?"
"I want to ... I ... argh ..." I sucked on his skin and hickeys appeared. I continued to kiss down his neck and collarbone, blindly caressing his cheek carefully with my hand.
Loki laughed again and inclined his head towards my hand so it lay in my palm. "I know this feeling very well, dear ... do you want me ... to devour you?"
I just lifted my head and pressed another kiss on his lips, breathing a mindless 'yes' in the process.
"That's good", he said in his rough dark voice that send shiver after shiver down my spine. His teeth tugged at my lips and I tasted his tongue a few times, just enough to tease me for more. Loki leaned over me and pressed me into the sofa. "Because that's what I wanted to do since I read your thoughts."

Okay, all in all, firstly: Sorry for so much emotionless making out. I just found a new kiss scene of Tom Hiddleston on Instagram and couldn't help it. I hope you like the oneshot, even if (y/n) is just a mindless shell of my personified hornyness in this one. At least it felt like it while writing.

What I also wanted to say: Thanks a lot for 100.000 reads! That is such a huge number and I am so thankful for that. I purposefully didn't think about numbers too much when I started this account (or restarted my old Insta account) but it just shows so much support from your side that I really want to express my thankfulness.
Love you all and have a great weekend!
Take care, Evy

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