I | Malice

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˗ˏˋ 15 Years Later 'ˎ˗

Makkari lounged sideways in the ancient throne, one leg swaying in front of the seat, and the other draped over the armrest. Her fingertips sped through the pages of the novel in her hand, noise of the pages rippling through the air similar to that of a light flutter. 

She consumed the information at record speeds, twelve hundred pages a minute. Her red hooded jacket resembled a letterman's, plucked from a street market back in the early twenty-first century. It was large for her slender frame, but she liked it that way. It was comfortable, and perfect for light readings. 

Within seconds, the novel dropped to the floor and another took it's place. The eternal hardly moved a muscle, chin tilted slightly more straight, but posture still absolutely horrid in the awkward chair. 

Akiva walked towards her, stepping carefully over the mountains of other books that had already been tossed aside haphazardly. Each step was precise, navigating through the mess on the floor. Her fingertips curled around side of her floor length skirt, trying to kick it up and over the protruding edges of hardbacks as to not get caught and ripped. 

She lifted her head, catching Makkari's gaze in her own. The eternal broke into a large smile, radiance lighting up the room as Akiva neared her throne. 

"Always surrounded by books," the human mused, shaking her head slightly as she stood in front of the chair. She ducked her head down lower, pressing a swift kiss to the top of the eternal's head before lifting up the object in her hand. 

A pair of over-ear headphones. 

Akiva gently separated the earpieces, placing them snuggly over Makkari's ears and making sure it wasn't pressing her braids down too firmly. 

She felt the vibrations of everything around her. The lulling hum of The Domo, the ship that housed and transported the eternals through space. The grumbling of Akiva's stomach whenever she smelled anything sweet, like the golden pastries browning in the oven at the corner of the room. The friction of objects being tossed around when Makkari retained all of the information they held, tumbling across the floor. 

It was overwhelming. Overstimulating. While she was deaf, the large amounts of sensory input from the world was enough to drive her mad. 

And Akiva solved it with the simplest of gestures. She took her phone from the table and slid the volume all of the way up, pressing her hand to one headphone and feeling the pulse of the music vibrations. The beat was strong and rhythmic, hopefully drowning out anything else that was going on around their presence in the universe. 

Makkari let out an elated hum at the newfound peace, shoulders slouching comfortably down as she sunk further into the metal and stone seat. 

She sighed softly, moving to stand behind the armrest at Makkari's back. Her fingertips fiddled with the ties at the end of her braids before her fingertips began to untangle them. Her digits unwove them, smoothing the curls out enough to tie it all into a soft bun at the back of her head.

She squeezed Makkari's shoulder to alert her of her fleeting presence before standing up straight and beginning to step over the random objects thrown around. Akiva held back a smile as she lifted her head and uncovered a new addition to the room. Old with time, but new in location.

Raising her hands, she carefully lifted a knight's helmet off of his suit of armour, putting it on and blinking around at the room through the rectangular eye slit.

The ship rumbled under her feet, something that happened often as it adjusted it's positioning over the fallen city of Babylon. Akiva ignored the feeling and went to go check on the sweet smell that caught her attention once again.

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