XX | Marionette

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The pair decamped the Domo smoothly, making their rounds for the group and taking their leave. Sersi had pulled Akiva close, in an embrace that was almost awkwardly tight, especially towards someone that had tried to kill her ex. "Look after them," she had whispered before pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. Akiva was a living, breathing reminder to them all that humanity could hold the possibility for change, even when they seemed so doomed for something otherwise.

Sprite had resorted to a handshake, instead. It was firm and short, and no other words were spoken between them. Akiva was fine with it, leaving the room right after them and moving towards the windowed hallways on the outskirts of the triangular sides.

Now, she was looking out and into the air around the ship.

The sun was high in the sky and between the passing white of clouds and foggy atmosphere, she could make out the abyss of ocean expanse below. The ship moved quickly, far quicker than a plane. She wondered how fast it could go as it served it's true purpose as a star-ship. Could it shoot itself through hyperspace like one of the spaceships hitting lightspeed in Star Wars? Or did it rather blink itself through actual space itself, teleporting to whatever planets they were assigned to next?

For now they were stuck. They weren't going to be assigned elsewhere, or be reborn into a clone of themselves with a completely wiped memory. Akiva didn't know if she'd be included in the rebirth, or if this eternal life was limited to this specific time and place.

Her head tilted up, closing her eyes as she faced the ceiling. She could almost imagine standing on top of the Domo as it flew through the air.

She'd feel the wind whip around her hair violently, pushing it away from her face. It would fly behind her, as well as the trails of peach fabric that draped from her body. It would pick up like she was a marionette puppet and cascade around her form.

And feeling the wind, her hands would reach out into the air to embrace it. Her arms would hold out to either side. The atmosphere would kiss every surface of her skin as she moved them as if she were flying. And then there was the feeling of accompaniment. Of a pair of careful hands guiding her arms up to suspension just to fall and secure themselves around her waist.

There was a record scratch.

The needle was taken off and lifted into the air and she was left with the coldness in it's place.

It was just whatever former connection they once had. Not in this life, but the one before it. She had no control over these thoughts, she didn't actually want him. She couldn't.

Could she?

Akiva's eyes opened again and she looked down at North America coming into view. She had never been in person, having only chatted with Phastos and his family over video calls. She knew that they had found and built a home in Chicago, but that was the end of it. She interacted with Jack on occasion, and hardly ever with Ben. She was more like...a distant relative that they had never gotten the chance to properly be introduced to.

She turned from the windows, making her way back to the common room where the rest of them had remained. Akiva was finding trouble staying in one place, preferring to walk around in order to pass the time.

She glanced at all of them, noticing how Druig was shrugging on his leather jacket again and Makkari had her hands in her hair to pull the braids out and back into a soft bun. Curiously, she looked at Phastos for an answer.

"We wear normal clothes now, if we aren't fighting deviants or each other, for that matter," he explained, adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Got it," Akiva nodded, spinning on her heel to leave even though she had only just gotten there.

It was kind of cute.

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